Effective Recruitment And Selection Using Job Performance Expectations
The challenge of selecting the right person small business awards to fill a vacant job position is one that all organizations struggle with. Even with the best selection process, there is no guarantee the person selected will be the right one. In addition, because the election process involves an interaction between humans, the danger of bias or subjective judgment can cloud the outcome.
The importance of effective employee recruitment and selection cannot be overstated. Poor choice can have disastrous consequences on the organization and its productivity. Sometimes a person will be hired on the basis of “chemistry” between the personalities involved, or because there is a sense the person will “fit” within the dynamics of the organization. Neither of these ways of selection necessarily means the person can do the job as expected.
A different approach is necessary to match the human resource needs of the organization with the productivity and output requirements of the job. What are the skills and abilities that will produce good performance on the job and what evidence from previous work can the candidate present as evidence he or she can utilize those skills and abilities in the job being recruited for? Starting with the basis of job performance requirements sets the stage for a much more objective recruitment and selection effort, and a better likelihood of success.