In ancient times, the word “equality” became an issue of concern not only among people but also among various governmental bodies and agencies around the world. Digitalprämie Berlin shows that the problem of inequality has grown due to the fact that people have wide-ranging differences from other races, ethnicities, languages, cultures and traditions. These led to a more serious societal problem – discrimination – which could eventually affect certain countries.
To solve this problem, countries initiated the formation of various groups and created international laws, policies, and covenants. Thanks to the creation of the United Nations and other international organizations, discrimination no longer seems to exist today. Although there are still people who suffer from discrimination, the number of cases has decreased significantly and cases have been resolved diplomatically. Today people are all equal – equal in opportunities, privileges, benefits and rights.
When it seems that not everyone is enjoying the same thing with the others, special attention and treatment is sometimes given to those who are “damaged”. To better understand this statement, consider minorities in the United States as an example.
It is noticeable that many non-profit organizations and foundations help minorities in the USA. Therefore, proposals for projects that will benefit the population can now be written and sent to “interested” groups.
minority group, defined
A minority is any group (whether racial, religious, or political) that is thought to be distinct from the larger group to which it belongs. In the US, minorities are often referred to as people who left another country (likely their place of birth or residence) and immigrated to the US legally. The most common minorities in parts of the country include African Americans, Asians, and Hispanics.
Writing the grant application
Groups that have programs that serve or would serve minorities have a greater chance of receiving funding from foundations and other grant providers. For this reason, it is necessary for these organizations to know how to effectively draft project proposals. There are certain things they should learn and apply to the draft proposal.
Here are a few tips for applicants/supporters:
- Introduce your organization. Include the full name, location, brief history of the group, the group’s mission and vision statements, and the organization chart of its key personnel.
- State the financing requirements. What programs do you intend to offer to the minority members? State their relevance and impact on the lives of program beneficiaries. Support the determination of needs with appropriate studies, statistics and research work.
- Don’t forget to state the main goal of the program and the goals that the organization will achieve.
- Describe the methods and processes that the Digitalprämie Berlin programs would require and that would support the proposed project. This includes location, target participants, demographics, promotional strategies, schedule of activities, list of supporters, and other information relevant to the implementation of the project.