Don’t Expect Too Much When You Start Learning to Paint and Draw
Do you know what is one of the biggest reasons why most art beginners fail? Are you going to join them saying…
“I fancied being an artist and gave it a try painting watercolors but the results were disappointing so I gave up”
No doubt you feel justified in that thought knowing that…
* You have read all the art books.
* You have all the art journals at you finger tips.
* You’ve attended the how to draw and paint courses that show you what to do.
* You’ve been to all the top galleries and exhibitions.
Does this classify you as an artist? Of course not. It takes so much more.
For instance, do you think you could easily become a top heart surgeon?
You could sit in your armchair at home and read all the medical books that were ever written but never be allowed near a heart patient with a scalpel knife. Although you might 918kiss have in-depth knowledge from reading your expertise would be non-existent. As much as you’d like to help your efforts would fail to save a life.
Fortunately, with art such high levels of knowledge and expertise are no restriction to you…
Providing you are willingly to try you have the opportunity to produce paintings and drawings that you can be pleased with, or hate.
Sadly, perfectly talented art novices expect to get professional results without spending time mastering the skills. Doctors expect to spend many years under close supervision learning their trade whereas many amateur painters would be hurt if what they produced was considered what they are – AMATEURISH. Yet, obviously that is exactly what their efforts are.
Doesn’t this high expectation level seem unrealistic?
Not only that but if you have ever felt this, doesn’t it put ridiculous amounts of pressure on you to perform far beyond your capabilities?
No wonder there are so many good part-time artists who feel inadequate. Worse still are those who think they are better than they really are.
Why put yourself under so much pressure?
Surely when you are drawing and painting as a beginner or talented amateur you should be happy, lost in a world of your own imagination as it begins to show on the paper or canvas in front of you. Is this not enough for you.
“Can’t you accept that enjoyment is the first and only reason to produce the best quality work you can do?”
This is more likely to turn into a success stream of artwork that reflects your pleasure in creation. Enthusiasm and attention to detail will give its rewards in time. And, in time you will achieve the success you deserve.
It is true, if you are incredibly talented and lucky that you could achieve success you deserve.