Does men look younger and appealing after undergoing hair transplant surgery?
Day by day Hair transplant is getting popular. But the questions arise that “ Does it make men look appealing and younger after undergoing the hair transplant surgery”. The answer to this question is yes. One of the researches has proved it by showing the before and post-surgery pictures. It shows how men’s personalities change after undergoing hair restoration. If you are also looking for undergoing the hair transplant in Punjab then consult the best surgeon for himself.
What are the reasons for hair loss?
Mental health woes
Above mentioned points are the various reasons why people face hair loss. Ultimately people start looking older than the real age and unattractive.
Now let us see what are the various benefits of undergoing hair transplant surgery?
Hair looks natural
Many people will be in doubt whether their hair looks natural after the surgery or not. Your hair will look natural because the surgeon will transplant the hair grafts in such a way that your hairdresser or barber won’t be able to understand whether it is natural or transplanted one.
Also, patient’s hair grafts are used during the surgery which makes it easier to blend with the existing hair growth. This is another reason the hair transplant results are natural.
Cost- effective
The hair restoration surgery will not make a hole in your pocket because it is a cost-effective and one-time procedure. All you need to do is follow the instructions given your surgeon strictly.
Younger and attractive look
Hair transplant makes you look younger and attractive. Depending upon your condition the surgeon will suggest you either FUT or FUE treatment. You must be wondering what is FUT and FUE?
Follicular unit transplant is a technique in which the surgeon will cut the strips of hair and transplant it into the area where you are experiencing balding and thinning.
Follicular unit extraction is a technique in which the surgeon will take out the hair individually and then transplant into the problematic area.
Low maintenance
You don’t need any shampoo or chemical product to take care of your hair density. But you have to take care of your hair after the surgery. Though, your surgeon will tell what to do or whatnot. But avoid washing or colouring your hair for at least 3 weeks post-surgery, do not comb your hairs, avoid wearing a helmet or cap and much more.
Permanent solution
Hair transplant is the permanent solution for your hair loss problem. During the surgery, the hair grafts are taken from the area which is not affected by DHT (it is the reason for hair loss). If men or women are facing male or female pattern baldness or thinning then he/she should consult the best surgeon for the treatment.
Safe surgical procedure
The surgery is safe and anyone can undergo the surgery. The surgeon will check whether you are a good candidate for the surgery or not. You have to give a few tests like a blood test and they will make sure you will not face any type of complication in future after undergoing the surgery.
Final Thoughts
If you are facing excessive hair loss, what are you waiting for? Without even wasting time, call the best surgeon near you.