Do You Need A Good Credit Score to Get a Personal Loan? Learn Everything Here
Your credit score is a function that assesses your financial stability and credibility. A credit score is based on all other loans, credit cards, or financial transactions you have undertaken through banks or personal loan apps online. Credit scores for personal loans disclose the following details about you:
- Personal and Professional details: name, contact details, age, address, gender.
- Details of any formal inquiry your lender initiated in the past,
- Details about settled loans, defaults, missed EMIs, income details, and your employment history.
- Details about overusing credit cards or applying for an increase in the limit, along with details of all previous loans.
- Total credit limit available in all accounts and the monthly amount that you spent.
A typical Credit Score ranges between 300 and 900, and to quickly get a personal loan at the most competitive interest rates, you want a score of around 650-700.
Why Should You Cultivate A Good Credit Score For Personal Loans?
A decent credit score can help you in times of emergencies and stressed finances. Let us look at some reasons why a good credit score can significantly boost your chances of taking a personal loan at the best possible rates of interest.
- Based on how much money you consume and utilize, a good credit score can give you access to the best credit cards in the market to help you pay for routine expenses like petrol, online shopping, bill payments, dining, or flight tickets.
- Slight variations in the way you manage your finances can cause immense transformations in your credit score. A good score also translates to a lower rate of interest.
- A solid credit score makes you more eligible to take loans through online personal loan app, financial institutes, or official websites.
- A good credit score helps you build a good credit history. It shows a mature understanding of finances, cultivates goodwill, and boosts your credibility everywhere.
How credit score impacts personal loans
A good credit report has several benefits and perks.
- The credit score remains NA or NH for an individual who has never taken any financial loan or credit from anywhere. This means that it is a neutral score, which is not always a good thing. Having a neutral score means that there is no way for banks to evaluate your financial behavior. It is like applying for a job with no experience.
- A person with a low credit score ranging between 300 and 549 comes across as someone who has a problematic relationship with their money. Still, some online loan apps may provide financial assistance, although at higher rates of interest.
- A score ranging from 600 – 749 is medium. You will mostly get personal loans with this score but with higher-than-normal rates of interest.
- A score between 750 and 900 is the best score you can maintain; it assures excellent financial opportunities for you. You come across as a financially reliable person and will have no problem getting loans with optimal interest rates from banks or personal loan apps.
Factors That Affect Your Credit Score For A Personal Loan
Here is a list of all the significant elements of your financial behavior that will affect your credit score, and therefore, your chances of getting a personal loan:
- Missing due dates,
- Frequently requesting an increase in your card limit,
- Taking other cards or applying for other loans parallelly,
- Your repayment history,
- Your CUR or credit utilization ratio,
- Mistakes in your credit report,
- Serving as a guarantor for someone who defaults on their loans.
If you need quick, timely money under challenging circumstances, credit cards and personal loans are the way to go. Ensuring that your credit score paints an honest, trustworthy picture of you will go a long way in bringing you the best possible loans through a bank or a good online loan app.
Keep a check on your credit score; you will thank yourself tomorrow.