Dental Implants: What You Need to Know
Dental implants provide a comfortable, long-lasting, beautiful smile as an alternative to bulky dentures. Keep reading for everything you need to know about dental implants.
What Are Dental Implants?
Dental implants often are used as a replacement for teeth. They blend in with a natural smile and function and fit like teeth. Implants can last a lifetime if they are placed properly by a dentist and are taken care of. They should not need to be replaced every few years like bridges or dentures.
Cost of Implants
At Elite Smiles, people often ask about the cost of dental implants. The price depends on several factors like the type of implant used, the material used, and if any other procedures are needed. Implants are a real investment since they can last a lifetime if well taken cared for. Patients should schedule a free consultation if they are interested in learning more about the procedure and the cost.
Dental insurance may cover some of the cost of implants, but they usually do not cover the procedure. Because insurance companies typically do not cover the costs, most dentists will offer financing options to make implants a reality for individuals.
Placement of Implants
A dental implant goes where the natural tooth was once. Over time, the implant fuses to the jawbone, making it more secure. After the jaw heals, a connector is set to hold the new tooth. Lastly, the dentist creates a new tooth based on the patient’s current bite, and the replacement tooth is attached.
Benefits of Implants
There are many benefits of dental implants. They provide a beautiful, natural smile compared to bridges or dentures, which can have a fake look. Dental implants allow individuals to eat the same foods they have always eaten. They prevent embarrassment caused by dentures and boost a person’s self-confidence. Implants allow patients to practice better oral hygiene than if they had bridges or dentures. Patients will also have improved jaw stability. Patients can contact us to discuss the many benefits in more detail.
Caring for Implants
Because implants are permanent, they don’t have to be removed at night. There is not any special care for implants like there may be for other alternative teeth replacements. Brushing, flossing, and using mouthwash will keep them clean and healthy. Regular dental check-ups are as important as dental implants and any other teeth.
Individuals looking for a more beautiful, natural smile should consider dental implants. They can be life-changing.