Dental Implants – Risks and Complications
When choosing a dental implant procedure Smyrna GA, patients should consider the risks involved and the potential complications. These concerns include cost, recovery time, and complication rates. In addition, patients should consider their personal dental goals before undergoing surgery. In this article, we will explore some of the risks involved in the implant procedure and discuss some of the common risks and complications.
Treatment options
If you’ve lost a tooth or multiple teeth, dental implants can provide the permanent foundation for a full set of dental restorations. These dental implants are made of titanium and are placed into the jaw bone at the initial surgical visit. You’ll be given a local anesthetic before the procedure so that you won’t feel any discomfort. If you have concerns about dental anesthesia, read up on the treatment options listed under the “Anesthesia” tab to learn more about what you can expect during the procedure.
After the surgery, you’ll probably feel some soreness and discomfort. Your dentist may prescribe antibiotics and pain medication to help you recover. You should refrain from smoking, which can increase the risk of infections. Tobacco is also harmful to your teeth and can stain the implant. In addition, you should practice good oral hygiene, and brush your teeth at least twice a day. Chewing hard candies or hard food can also harm your implants.
Implant procedures can cause a variety of complications. One common problem is breast necrosis. This occurs when the pocket where the implant was placed becomes infected, leading to pain, swelling, and bruising. Surgical draining may be required in severe cases. This problem can affect a patient’s ability to breastfeed and have a sexual response.
Although life-threatening complications are rare, they can still lead to poor treatment outcomes. According to a recent study by Goodacre et al, hemorrhage associated with implant placement was a common cause of surgical complications. Potential causes included incision of soft tissues, lateral wall sinus lift procedures, and osteotomy preparation. Surgical hemorrhage can also result from perforation of the lingual cortical plate during implant osteotomy preparation. When this occurs, critical hemorrhage and multiple hematomas result. A CT scan is usually necessary to confirm the extent of the hemorrhage.
Recovery time
The length of the recovery period after a dental implant procedure will vary. Most patients recover within a few days, but those who undergo more than one procedure or who have bone grafts may need a longer healing period. The time it takes to fully recover will depend on several factors, including the number of implants and the type of surgery.
After the procedure, you will experience swelling and discomfort for about five to seven days. Then, you will have to wait for three to six months for the implant to fully integrate with the bone. It may take longer for some people to heal, while others may need a full year before they can get their new teeth. During this time, it is important to visit your dentist for checkups and to monitor your recovery.
Dental implant procedure Smyrna GA can be costly, but they provide a host of benefits. Before making a decision about undergoing the procedure, consider your budget and the advice of a dental professional. According to the American Academy of Implant Dentistry, about 3 million implants are performed in the US each year. The price of a single implant can range from a few hundred dollars to several thousand dollars.
If you have dental insurance, you may be eligible for reimbursement. Many plans cover about half of the costs of major dental services, including implants. Some plans cover only the crown portion of the procedure, while others cover the implant body and abutment. Typically, a full-coverage plan pays out about $1,500 per person for an implant.