custom bird netting solutions and installing nets by Wildlife Pro in Toronto and the GTA
Wildlife Pro is specialized in bird control, and balcony netting in buildings & commercial properties.
Apartment living has grown in popularity due to its affordability, convenience, and proximity to major metropolitan areas. Many building dwellers, however, have issues with bird droppings and nesting birds on their balconies.
Every day, many residents have to deal with a mess of pigeon and other bird droppings, nesting material, and feathers. They spend hours cleaning up after these pesky critters, just to discover another mess later.
As beautiful as they are in flight, and as much as we all appreciate the benefits of living in harmony with nature, birds roosting on balconies are nothing short of a disaster! It’s a nasty, gooey mess that could lead to disease, allergies, and other health problems. Furthermore, it has an impact on the aesthetics of a building, making it dirty and smelly.
Birds can cause damage to floors and roofs, drainpipes, vents, and air conditioning equipment, as well as personal property stored or placed on balconies.
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Source: Wildlife Pro
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