I’m willing to confess some of my personal sins with my “stuff”. I never thought that a Jewish girl like me would be in a confessional, but then again I never thought that a Jewish girl like me would be a feng shui master.
A few years ago I took a transformational journey to Bali, Indonesia to study space clearing with Karen Kingston, the clutter and space clearing expert.
Even before my journey, I began to slowly let go of some of the “stuff” that had stuck in my consciousness and life.
Karen’s philosophy is that everything contains energy and even if you can’t see it – at some level it’s either draining or giving you positive energy. For example, things you hold on to out of fear, worry, apprehension, lack, or guilt would be considered energy hogs, but things you keep around because they make a positive impact on your life would be considered energy enhancers – not in their exact words, but that’s how I interpreted it and taught it to my students.
One of the things I always encourage myself and my clients to share is former memorabilia — especially if it’s from a toxic relationship — but really any relationship where your thoughts and feelings are in a wait pattern. When your life is filled with things from the past, then living fully in the present and embracing the novelty that moment has to offer is truly a challenge. yoni feel Especially a new partner!
let the truth be told!
Up until these weeks before my trip, I had been holding on to a box of “stuff” from a very short but violent relationship. Actually, that’s not entirely correct. Technically, the “stuff” wasn’t in my house. I had to give the stuff to a friend to keep at her apartment so I wouldn’t be tempted to watch it every 3 months, 3 weeks, 3 days, 3 hours, 3 minutes, 3 seconds.
The box was in her apartment and although I never saw it, I was still connected to it. Just the fact that I couldn’t have it with me says it still brought up old feelings that were unresolved. Part of my denial was the story I told myself about the stuff. After all, it was art, music and poetry and I felt disrespectful to throw it away. I had big plans to do something creative with it. For example, write a screenplay or make a collage out of it.
The idea that I would turn it into art was the first red flag and what I call holding on to unfinished business for a one day one day that most likely never comes. Of course I use myself as a guinea pig for my theories. I never wanted to make art out of it and just stuck with it (and let’s be honest folks) because I wasn’t over the guy no matter how unhealthy the relationship had been.
It was only a week before I left for Bali and caught the momentum of the deep cleaning work I wanted to be a part of that I finally got up the courage and with the support of my dear friend, I took the package and threw it in the ocean.
It wasn’t that easy, and not only because I was afraid a group of environmentalists would catch me and give me a ticket for polluting the ocean, but because the package sailed right back to my feet, I threw it in the rolling waves.
Out of frustration and desperation, I tore the package apart and tore each page into tiny pieces and blessed it. I thanked the man whose words now bled through the pages. I thanked him for opening me, for giving me his love and releasing him/her into the ocean again. I let go of the jewels and all the jewelry he gave me. I blessed and passed on until all that was left was the fruit printed wallpaper wrapping I had used to hold all those pages and gifts together in one bundle.
It was then that I, or should I say my dear friend, made the startling realization that part of the reason I had not manifested a new lover was simply that this man had interests in my yoni!
For those unfamiliar with the word, a yoni is a woman’s vagina.
Yes, out of sight wasn’t out of mind or out of my energy grid. I was still connected to him on many levels through those romantic offers he made me, but not anymore. Through the liberation I regained my energy. I thought there would be a lot more destroyed by losing the art, but I realize I’ve gained a lot more. I transformed the gift through the cleansing waters of the ocean. The part of me I gave away was mine again.
Is a therapeutic massage a tantric massage?
If you are considering therapeutic massage, you may not be looking for a tantric massage in a massage shop, but for a massage that takes place in a clinic or clinic-like setting, and the massage is performed with your well-being in mind. Tantra means to stretch or from Sanskrit the root of the tan.
If you were asking for a tantra massage, you would be looking for a massage that stimulates the whole body and allows the energy to flow throughout the body. You would expect to reach the deepest level of relaxation and when the massage is over you would have a complete sense of well being as it happens through the ritual practices and the search for perfection and brainstorming to gain some magical power create and culminates in a total sense of peace. This massage may be advertised as a tantric massage and performed at a spa or spa shop.
This is then a tantric or therapeutic massage given in a clinical setting. This can be in the doctor’s office, in the hospital or in a nursing home. The point of this massage is to use the massage for health problems or chronic pain such as sports injuries or repetitive strain injuries. It is performed by a masseuse or perhaps a nurse who has been trained to provide relief for tissue injuries, and often the massage continues until the injured tissue has healed. It may also be necessary for a doctor to make a clinical assessment of the healing process.
The other type of massage, which is a tantric massage, has a more sexual meaning. It still relies on the Sanskrit for the terms used because it has the yoni for the woman’s vagina and then uses the Sanskrit lingram for the male penis, roughly meaning a wand of light instead of penis directly. The massage is not considered a follow-up to a sexual encounter, but it is a way of reaching the deepest step of absolute relaxation. When performed by an intimate partner, it can result in a sexual encounter. But it’s meant to be a form of genital message where heated oil is rubbed all over the body and all its parts. When this type of genital massage is fully effective, the massaged partner may end up falling asleep simply because they are so completely relaxed. So it would work best if the two intimate partners alternately perform this genital massage on different evenings.
The methodology for a tantra massage is quite specific as to where to start and how exactly each part of the yoni and lingram is massaged. It is similar to intending to bring the partner to a full sexual erection. It can also be used when a partner has some type of impotence. This can be therapeutic for that partner.