Complete Roadmap To Learn DSA From Scratch
DSA is everywhere and one of the most vital concepts in the world of programming. It would not be wrong to say Data Structures and Algorithms are the fundamentals of computer programming and software development.
DSAs are known to form the backbone of any efficient and scalable software application.
DSA coding is an essential concept to be learnt from any developer.
For a newbie or experienced developer, a solid understanding of DSA is essential.
Whether you’re a beginner with no prior programming experience or an experienced coder looking to strengthen your DSA skills, this blogpost will help you learn a complete roadmap to getting started with DSA from scratch.
Let’s get started!
Why Learn DSA?
Learning DSA coding is essential for programmers for several reasons:
Efficiency: Learning DSA helps you optimize the performance of your code. This makes it run faster and uses fewer system resources.
Problem-Solving: Learning DSA enables developers to approach complex problems with structured solutions. It helps them break the problems down into manageable components.
Industry Demand: The demand for DSA is highly sought after by employers. It is often a key component of technical interviews, irrespective of what language you are going for an interview. For example, if you are a Java developer, you must essentially be considering spring boot interview questions; preparing DSA coding is also essential.
Core Knowledge: DSA is the foundation of computer science. It is known to provide insights into how computers store and manipulate data.
Hope you have gained enough information on why should you learn DSA; now, let’s dive into the roadmap for learning DSA coding from scratch.
Step 1: Start with the Basics
Doesn’t matter what skill you are learning, starting from the basics is essential. You must create a strong foundation in programming to understand the concepts of DSA coding.
If you have just started with programming, start with a high-level programming language such as Python, Java, or C++.
Make you learn the basics of the language, including variables, data types, control structures, and functions. You can join DSA courses with the language you choose to go with.
Step 2: Understand the Importance of Time Complexity
When learning DSA, there is one such vital concept that you must be well-versed with its time complexity. Time complexity measures the efficiency of an algorithm in terms of the time it takes to execute.
It is essential to grasp the concept of Big O notation, which is a way to analyze and express the efficiency of algorithms in terms of the input size.
Furthermore, you should also understand the common time complexities like O(1), O(log n), O(n), O(n log n), and O(n^2).
Step 3: Study Data Structures
Data structures are the foundation of DSA coding. Begin your journey by exploring the most fundamental data structures:
Arrays: You must learn how arrays store data and practice operations like insertion, deletion, and searching.
Linked Lists: You must understand the concept of nodes. How they create a dynamic data structure. Furthermore, you must also study singly linked lists, doubly linked lists, and circular linked lists.
Stacks and Queues: Do not forget to explore these linear data structures and their various applications. For example, managing function calls and implementing data processing pipelines.
Trees: Essentially, learn about tree structures, including binary trees, binary search trees, and AVL trees.
Graphs: Graphs are essential for modelling complex relationships and networks.
Hash Tables: Must learn how hash tables work and their applications in building efficient data storage and retrieval systems.
Step 4: Master Sorting and Searching Algorithms
Once your DSA basics are clear, move on to sorting and searching algorithms or other advanced DSA topics. Some fundamental algorithms to study include:
Bubble Sort, Selection Sort, and Insertion Sort: These are simple sorting algorithms that help you understand the basics.
Merge Sort and Quick Sort: Dive deeper into sorting with more efficient algorithms like merge sort and quick sort.
Binary Search: Learn how to search for elements in a sorted array or list efficiently using binary search.
Step 5: Learn Advanced Data Structures and Algorithms
As soon as you get well-versed with DSA skills, start learning the more advanced concepts of data structures and algorithms. Here are a few examples:
Heaps: You must study max-heaps and min-heaps. These are essential for efficient priority queues and heapsort.
Dynamic Programming: This is a powerful technique used to solve problems by breaking them into smaller subproblems and reusing solutions to those subproblems.
Greedy Algorithms: Learn how greedy algorithms make locally optimal choices to reach a globally optimal solution.
Graph Algorithms: You must study popular graph algorithms like Dijkstra’s algorithm, Kruskal’s algorithm, and topological sorting.
Trie: You must learn about the trie data structure. These are used for efficient string operations, like autocomplete and spell-checking.
Step 6: Practice, Practice, Practice
Learning DSA coding is not just about theory. It is also about practical application. You must not ignore practicing. Solve a wide variety of problems and exercises on online platforms.
Challenge yourself with problems of varying difficulty levels to gain a deeper understanding of the concepts you’ve learned.
Step 7: Implement Data Structures and Algorithms
Start implementing. You must not avoid applying knowledge by implementing data structures and algorithms from scratch. You can start with simple projects. However, you can gradually work your way up to more complex applications. This practical yet hands-on experience will solidify your understanding and make you a more skilled programmer.
Step 8: Take Online Courses and Join Coding Communities
You can learn DSA coding through online courses and tutorials. These tutorials can provide structured learning paths and valuable insights. Websites like Coding Ninjas, Coursera, edX, and Udemy offer DSA courses from universities and industry experts. Furthermore, you can use coding communities and forums to learn from others, ask questions, and get feedback on your code.
Step 9: Read Books and Documentation
Reading books can also help you. Books like “Introduction to Algorithms” by Thomas H. Cormen, Charles E. Leiserson, and Ronald L. Rivest are invaluable resources for diving deeper into DSA.
Learn to familiarize yourself with official documentation for your chosen programming language. It often contains examples and best practices related to data structures and algorithms.
Step 10: Stay Consistent and Keep Learning
DSA is a vast field. Thus, there is always something new to learn and explore. So, ensure you stay consistent in your practice and keep challenging yourself with increasingly complex problems. You can follow online tutorials, blogs, and research papers to keep up with the latest developments in DSA.
Learning DSA coding from scratch is a rewarding journey. Learning these skills can open doors to exciting career opportunities and make you a more versatile and skilled programmer.
By following the above-shared roadmap and staying dedicated to your learning process, you will build a solid foundation in DSA.
Hope this guide helped you gain valuable insights.