Cloud Security Vulnerability to Look Out in 2021
Today, business are rapidly shifting to the cloud environment due to scalability, lower cost and increased flexibility in cloud services. 93% of enterprises use cloud service and 83% of enterprises workload were already shifted to cloud by 2020. The public cloud infrastructure will grow 35% in 2021. Not only that, the data stored in cloud data centers will exceed 100 ZB by 2035. However, the key component security breaches holding back enterprises from choosing cloud services. To reinforce this, 95% of companies are concerned about security threats in cloud computing.
There is a false assumption about security in cloud environment among the enterprises that all type of vulnerabilities and security measurements which are belongs to cloud service provider. Mostly, 95% of security breaches in cloud service occur due to lack of secure infrastructure development inside the premises. Reaming 5% come under the section of issues related to cloud service provider.
Top cloud security challenges:
Cloud computing security threads
Insecure API’s
API means Application Program Interfaces. It is used to communicate between two different applications. So, that it provide a flawless cloud computing process. A vulnerable API allows the attacker to get lines of communication to the confidential data kept inside the enterprises. More than 30% of API are exposed to public in an enterprise for accessing the software platform by external developers and business partners.
Week Authentication credentials
Unauthorized users take advantage of poor access management to get into the organization. For example, malicious attackers take advantage of weak passwords to guess credentials. Strong password policies such as minimum password length, mixing upper and lower cases, including symbols and frequent password changes contribute to security.
Issue related to cloud service provider
We have several cloud service providers like Alibaba cloud, AWS, Google cloud, Microsoft Azure etc. Each and every service provider continuously evaluates the security vulnerability and researches are going on which help to exploit some of the most triggered issue in their systems.
In March 2020, Google cloud can exploit one security breaches through their bug bounty program to find out a privilege escalation issue in their Google cloud shell. Google cloud shell is a service for accessing command line interfaces of virtual machine through web browsing. Security researchers noticed that an attacker can escalate the access through socket connection in container. Similarly, another issue is reported in Microsoft Azure App service. Fortunately, both get fixed before it exploited by an attacker and no issues were reported related to such security vulnerability.
Cloud misconfiguration can lead to major security breaches within organization and customers. For example, in case of AWS cloud instance creation, we need to specify the security group in which provide the in bond and out bond rules related to port opening. Any type of compromise in security group escalate an attacker to access cloud servers.
Third party involvement
In cloud computing, contractual breaches with customer and business partner are at high risk. The cloud service provider maintains the right to share all data uploaded to the cloud with third parties under their terms and conditions, they are breaching a confidentiality agreement with your company. This lead to compromise to the integrity and confidentiality of data stored in cloud. So that the service contract should include service termination right and intellectual property risk.
Developing a strong cyber security strategy and Web Application firewall to protect web applications from different cloud computing vulnerabilities including man-in-middle attack, SQL injection, DDoS attack are important to secure a cloud. Similarly, we need to incubate talented persons in the field of security in cloud computing. So with cyber security training in Kochi you can aim to provide solid knowledge in concepts and application in cyber security to the current technology trending like cloud computing, IoT, robotics automation, artificial intelligence etc.
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