CHCS: A Gateway to Understanding Hindu Dharma and Civilization | HUA
The Certificate in Hindu Civilizational Studies (CHCS) is a 12-credit program that explores Hindu civilization from a Hindu perspective. This program helps students understand Hindu Dharma, one of the world’s oldest, continuous, and still-thriving cultures.
The CHCS is divided into two parts. The first part, “Exploring Hinduism,” helps students learn about Sanatana Dharma and Hindu thinking through studying its history, aspects, and practices. Students will learn about the foundation of Hindu Civilization and the relevance of Hinduism today.
The second part, “Hindu Contributions to the World,” focuses on how the Hindu civilization and its knowledge systems influenced world advancement in Matter and Mind. Students will learn about the sciences, technologies, innovations, industry, prosperity, wealth, and intellectual leadership that made India a sought-after civilization across time.
Participants can join any quarter and finish the eight courses in any sequence and at their own speed to earn their certification. This program is open to everybody, regardless of Indian or Hindu heritage, worldwide.
At the end of this program, students will be able to explain the Hindu Paradigm of Dharma, describe salient aspects of the Hindu Civilization, critique various misrepresentations of Hinduism, synthesize an expansive account of world history, and establish an expanded sense of purpose and relevance.
The CHCS is ideal for personal advancement in academics, career, or cultural areas. It offers an international credit-bearing certification for students, Continued Education for professionals, and an opportunity for families to gather and discuss their roots, customs, and culture.
This program considers 21st-century needs and Hindu ideas and civilization’s importance to humanity. Knowing the Hindu Civilization and its Knowledge will boost one’s soft skills for future problems and provide them the Clarity, Confidence, Direction, and Distinction needed to achieve.
CONTACT — 407–205–2118
Overview >> Hindu University Of America
Address- 5200 Vineland Rd 125 Orlando, FL 32811