Cannabis Leaf: 6 Simple and Useful Ideas for Scraps
What to do with #trueterpenes cannabis leaf scraps? In fact, the plant residues obtained from the processing of hemp plants offer many opportunities for recovery and reuse. Just a few creative ideas are enough and what is generally considered a useless waste, to be disposed of, can be transformed – with little effort and in a short time – into a new product to be used and even marketed. Let’s see, then, what are the methods to be able to recover the waste from processed cannabis leaves in a fun, useful and effective way. Here are the 6 simple and quick ideas proposed!
Collect cannabis leaves to make compost
A simple and immediate way is to use the residues of the leaves rich in CBD, obtained from the processing to create the compost, or a mixture of vegetable waste, which serves to nourish the plants in a natural way and contribute to the healthy and vigorous growth of the vegetables. Compost is an opportunity to reduce the use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides and allow plants to develop in a 100% natural way.
Cannabis butter
Another of the simplest ways to recover cannabis leaf scraps is to transform these plant residues into an edible product: cannabis butter. You can use it as normal cooking butter, a fundamental ingredient for the preparation of your desserts (including the famous space cake we talked about in another post), of various kinds of creams and greedy sauces, to be able to season in a healthy and original way both savory and sweet dishes.
To make your own butter at home of cannabis, just melt a 250-gram stick of butter in a bain-marie and – when it is completely liquid – add 8 grams of dried and chopped cannabis leaves, mix thoroughly to obtain a homogeneous mixture, filter everything with a sieve and collect the liquid obtained in a glass container, then allow to cool and solidify.
Once cooled and compacted, you can use your cannabis butter like regular butter, but – of course – it will have a totally unique and original aroma. Obviously, it is possible to make a smaller or larger stick of butter – depending on your specific needs – and to do so it will be enough to reduce or increase the dose; the important thing is to maintain the proportions between the quantity of butter and the quantity of cannabis leaves.
Alternatively, with the same procedure, it is possible to use the scraps of the leaves to produce a coconut oil (with the same functions as butter), ideal for vegans or those with intolerances to traditional butter.
Cannabis milkshake
The milkshakes prepared with the scraps of cannabis leaves , rich in CBD (here you can find CBD Cannabis oil ), represent a pleasant and healthy solution to recover processing residues, fully appreciate the benefits of the natural substances present in #hempderivedterpenes leaves and prepare a healthy and 100% natural product.
Below we provide the basic recipe, which – of course – can be customized according to your personal tastes, your needs and the ingredients you have available at home.
To make a good cannabis milkshake, you need half a cup of chopped hemp leaves, half a cup of hemp milk, 1 banana, 2 slices of melon (summer or winter, depending on the season), 2 ripe apples, 1 small fennel, 1 small piece of ginger and 1 tablespoon of honey. Put everything in the blender, if the mixture is too thick, add some water, add 3-4 ice cubes and continue to mix until you get the consistency of the milkshake, then pour and serve.
Cannabis ice cream
The ice cream is an end cannabis delicious meal and original, to round off an evening with friends. Cut into very small cubes 500 grams of the fruit you prefer; it is advisable to opt for peaches, plums, strawberries, apricots and melon. Add a diced banana to the fruit salad you have prepared, then freeze everything and keep in the freezer for at least 6-8 hours.
When all the fruit cubes are frozen, take them out of the freezer, let them dissolve for 10 minutes, then pour the frozen fruit into the mixer, add 5-6 tablespoons of chopped cannabis leaves, 5-6 tablespoons of sugar, a cup of water and blend until a homogeneous and dense mixture is obtained: your ice cream is ready to be served in cups or pods!
Collecting cannabis leaves to make Bhang
The Bhang is a typical specimen of Indian culture, whose origins date back to the dawn of time. At the base of this typical drink – still very popular today – there is milk or yogurt, enriched with different spices, dried leaves and flowers of the hemp plant and natural sweeteners. Particularly rich in beneficial substances, Bhang has an intense and engaging flavor and can be consumed at any time of the day.
To prepare it, you need 2 cups of water, 5 grams of cannabis flowers, 5 grams of leaves, 3 cups of milk, 5-6 tablespoons of sugar, 2 tablespoons of coconut milk, 1 tablespoon of chopped almonds, a pinch of powder of ginger and one of the garam masala mixture, 1 tablespoon of fruit syrup (black cherry, peach or whatever flavor you prefer).
Once you have all the ingredients, you need to bring the water to a boil, add the cannabis leaves and flowers and mix for a few minutes over low heat, add the milk, stir again for 3-4 minutes and then turn off the stove.
Pour the liquid into a colander, in order to remove the cannabis residues, add the almonds, coconut milk and syrup. Stir the mixture to make it homogeneous, then add the ginger, sugar and garam masala. At this point, let it cool completely, refrigerate for at least 3-4 hours, then serve.
Hemp lotion for the face and body
Processing and recovering the scraps of #buyterpenes cannabis leaves is an excellent opportunity to create natural and effective DIY cosmetic creams and lotions, capable of moisturizing the skin, calming skin irritations and even wrinkles.
If applied locally on a regular basis, the hemp-based lotion is able to rejuvenate and smooth skin that is tired, tired and stressed by daily life and by atmospheric agents, which inevitably contribute to the aging of the epidermis. To quickly and easily create a face and body lotion, just heat 500 g of coconut or almond oil in a saucepan over low heat, then mix and leave on the stove for about a couple of hours. At this point it is necessary add 250 grams of shredded hemp leaves, mix again, turn off the stove, add a few drops of lavender essential oil and allow to cool completely.
Once cold, the liquid obtained must be filtered, in order to eliminate the residues, keep the lotion in a glass jar and use it if necessary on the skin of the face, body, but also whose hair, which – in this way – is will strengthen.