Can a Sugar Glider Eat Chocolate?
Many owners of sugar gliders are often left with questions about what can and can’t be fed to them. This is especially true when it comes to their diet.
Chocolate contains a substance called theobromine which is toxic to sugar gliders. It can cause vomiting, diarrhea and other health problems.
Theobromine is a chemical found in many plant foods including chocolate and cocoa beans. It also occurs in tea leaves, yerba mate, and kola nuts.
It is safe for humans at moderate doses (usually 50-500mg/day), and it has fewer unwanted effects than caffeine, which makes it a good choice for endurance athletes. It also helps lower blood pressure and is a mild stimulant, boosting mental alertness and mood.
In addition, it has been shown to strengthen tooth enamel by preventing erosion. This may help prevent tooth decay, a common problem in sugar gliders.
However, theobromine is not suitable for small pets, as it can be toxic at high doses. It can cause stomach upset, nervousness, and headaches, and is dangerous for small animals. Theobromine-containing foods and supplements should be kept away from sugar gliders and other small pets.
Caffeine, a naturally occurring compound found in coffee beans, tea leaves and chocolate, jump-starts your day and puts a little pep in your step. But it can also cause some serious health problems when consumed in too much quantity.
The most common caffeine-containing foods are coffee, tea and chocolate. But it can also be added to a variety of other drinks, including soda and energy drinks.
For instance, a 12 ounce can of a caffeinated soft drink typically contains about 30 to 40 milligrams of caffeine. An 8-ounce cup of coffee has closer to 80 to 100 milligrams of caffeine and a cup of green or black tea about 50 to 70 milligrams.
In addition, caffeine can be harmful to some animals at low levels. It causes vomiting, diarrhea, central nervous system depression, problems with coordination, difficulty breathing, coma and even death.
Sugar gliders are omnivores and love to eat anything that smells or looks good, but they should never be given any food with refined sugar. This includes chocolate, candy or canned fruit, which can be deadly for the small animal.
A diet with too much sugar can lead to obesity and breeding problems in sugar gliders. They are also prone to metabolic bone disease (MBD), which can make their legs more prone to breaking.
Gliders need a healthy balance of protein, calcium and vitamins to stay active and healthy. Adding extra protein sources, such as cooked chicken, ground turkey and eggs to their diet, can help provide that balanced nutrition.
While sugar gliders do like a soft, sweet treat once in a while, too much treats can be bad for them. Unlike flying squirrels, they cannot process high fat foods well.
As a result, they are at risk for obesity. Obesity in animals can lead to serious health problems, including heart, liver and kidney disease.
A sugar glider should be fed a well-balanced diet that contains protein (a commercial extruded pellet or mealworms), calcium, vitamins and fruits and vegetables. A diet that is too low in protein or too high in phosphorus can cause nutritional osteodystrophy, which is the breakdown of bones due to an improper ratio of calcium and phosphorus.
The correct diet for sugar gliders is still a matter of debate and needs more research and testing. It is important to feed your sugar glider a diet that is approved by the sugar glider community and closely follow the instructions on the packaging.