Blogging 101: Reasons to Blog
There are many blogs on the Internet. According to WpViruoso, there are more than 152 million blogs on the web. A new blog is created around the world every half second, or 172,800 per day. Blogs influence purchases. Most people read blogs more than once a day. Businesses that blog at least 20 times a month generate 5x more traffic.
These jaw-dropping statistics make me wonder why there is so much hype around blogging around the world. In fact, blogging has come a long way since the mid-1990s, when people used blogging as journals, where they wrote about the events of their life on a daily basis. Companies were looking for a “What’s New” page on their website where their fans and customers could learn about upcoming changes and the events decided to create a blog page on their site for that purpose. Now people create blogs to share their knowledge, showcase their skills and monetize. Here are some reasons why people pckart blog.
A blog can act as a safe extension of your business, it is a path completely controlled by you. If you create your blog on the right platform, you have complete control over everything you do without the fear of being closed, you are also in control of what your guests do on your site. If you use a social media site like Facebook, they own your business page and can close it if they think it’s against their policies.
Helping people. Do you dream of making a difference in the world? Blogging is one way to do this. When you publish a blog post, you share your knowledge and skills with the people who need it. Life changing.
Stay informed and relevant in your field. Experts are highly sought after for their knowledge and expertise. With blogging, you not only position yourself as an expert, but you remain relevant in your field.
Grow your network. When you blog and create useful content that impresses, people will like and comment on your posts. You start building relationships with people, some ask for your help and others want to help promote you and your services. I call it beneficial for all.