Sport is widely regarded as a key component of the cultural identity of both individuals and communities as a whole, with sporting provision contributing to the quality of life within the local community. Whether participating, volunteering, coaching, supporting or watching sport, there is an intrinsic pleasure derived from sport and physical activity. Sports Academy
In recent years sport and physical activity have also been regarded as a powerful vehicle in promoting community development and tackling a range of social issues. Through carefully targeted work, sports development programmes can promote social inclusion amongst disaffected groups and promote healthy lifestyles amongst the physically inactive and those with disabilities. Sport has a role to play in various aspects of life and is a tool for stimulating pride and community and for improving the health of the community.
Sport can transcend the division of society, unite communities and bring people together to enjoy physical activity. Some relevant information into the benefits of sport is included within the research below:
Sports Industry Research Centre, Sport, Health and Economic Benefit
It has been estimated that physical inactivity costs the $1.06 billion through its direct contribution to coronary heart disease, stroke, diabetes, colorectal cancer and breast cancer.
In addition to the health costs, inactivity has been estimated to have wider societal economic costs of $5.5 billion per year from sickness absence from work and $1 billion per year from the premature death of people of working age.
It is generally accepted that sport and physical activity can have positive impacts on health, these benefits include:
- Decrease in the risk of cardiovascular mortality;
- Delays the development of high blood pressure;
- Helping people to control their body weight and diabetes;
- Reduces the risk of colon cancer;
- Increased physical activity enhances the immune system;
- Reduces the risk of depression; and
- Prevention of non-specific lower back pain.
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