Science / Technology Google’s Duplex is calling businesses to check the availability of ‘critical products’ like toilet paper ByJerome Smith June 20, 2020June 20, 2020
Science / Technology Black roboticists on racism, bias, and building better AI ByJerome Smith June 20, 2020
Science / Technology How Technology Plays a Vital Role in Small Business Growth ByJerome Smith June 20, 2020
Android Verizon Galaxy S20 Plus and Galaxy S20 Ultra getting new updates starting now ByJerome Smith June 20, 2020June 20, 2020
Science / Technology Apple’s annual developer showcase overshadowed by app row ByJerome Smith June 20, 2020June 20, 2020
Science / Technology Boost your productivity with these 9 hot deals for entrepreneurs ByJerome Smith June 20, 2020June 20, 2020
Science / Technology Researchers demo VR finger tracking that recognizes air-drawn passcodes ByJerome Smith June 19, 2020