Science / Technology MyndYou uses AI and passive data to detect cognitive decline in seniors ByJerome Smith April 20, 2020April 20, 2020
Android Nokia 9.2 PureView 5G: All the rumors in one place (Updated: April 20) ByJerome Smith April 20, 2020April 20, 2020
Science / Technology Australia to force Facebook and Google to share ad revenue with local news outlets ByJerome Smith April 20, 2020April 20, 2020
Mental Health World Book Night 2020 Seeks to Connect a Nation in Self-Isolation ByJerome Smith April 20, 2020April 20, 2020
Science / Technology Coronavirus: Government unveils £1.3bn scheme to help start-ups ByJerome Smith April 20, 2020April 20, 2020