Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)
What is ADHD?
ADHD, or Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, is a disorder related to the brain. It was initially referred to as ADD or Attention Deficit Disorder, and it was given the name ADHD in the 1990s. ADHD is mostly diagnosed during early childhood till teenage years. Its patients have issues in brain development that cause them to lack attention, self-control and focus and be hyperactive and impulsive.
ADHD can sometimes be mistaken for behavioural problems in children. However, children who have problem behaviours usually grow out of that phase. A child with ADHD cannot magically stop such behaviour. It is usually more common in boys, and the symptoms are also more pronounced in males compared to females.
Signs & Symptoms in Children
ADHD has a range of symptoms that may revolve:
- Inability to focus in school and making careless mistakes in studies and daily tasks
- Inability to sit still for longer intervals
- Tendency to daydream a lot
- Absent-mindedness
- Tendency to get fidgety, restless, and easily bored
- Inability to follow simple directions
- Excessive talking
- Tendency to interrupt others while talking
- Inability to wait patiently
- Hyperactivity occurs in episodes many times during the day
- Difficulty in making friends
- Inability to resist temptations.
Adult ADHD may present with a different set of symptoms like a hot temper, impulsiveness, difficulty coping with stress, relationship issues, procrastination or hyperactivity, mood swings etc. However, one can rely on multiple tips to improve your mental health.
Causes & Risk Factors of ADHD
Research has been going on to identify the exact causes and risk factors behind ADHD. However, no one main cause of ADHD has been identified. The research does show evidence that ADHD is more strongly linked to genetic factors. Therefore ADHD may tend to run in families. In addition to genetic factors, a few other causes that may increase the risk of ADHD include:
- Trauma or injury to the brain
- Premature birth or low birth weight
- Alcohol, tobacco or drug usage during pregnancy
- Certain infections or malnutrition during pregnancy
- Exposure to toxic chemicals like lead in the environment.
ADHD diagnosis is not a straightforward process. There is no specific diagnostic test that can diagnose ADHD in one go, and its diagnosing requires several steps. The diagnosis process includes medical exams for hearing and vision to rule out any other issues. The doctor from the best psychiatry hospitals in Hyderabad will also go through a checklist of each symptom and take a detailed account of the history of the child from parents, teachers, and the child. Therefore, a combination of physical, neurological, and psychological assessments will be made to diagnose if the child has ADHD.
Treatment of ADHD
A multimodal approach is usually considered the best in the treatment of ADHD. This involves a combination of medication and behavioural therapy. In younger children, training is also given to parents to help them deal with the condition of their child and successfully manage their symptoms. Changes in diet and reduction in screen time can also manage a lot of ADHD symptoms.
Concluding Thoughts
Whether you have adult ADHD or you live with a child who has been diagnosed with ADHD, you can manage to live normal and happy lives with the condition. With proper intervention and constant efforts, children and adults with ADHD can manage their symptoms and live normal lives.