An Introduction to Islamic Dream Interpretation
Learn how Islam views dreams and dream interpretation. Explore the ideas and observations of eighth-century Muslim dream scholar Ibn Sirin.
In Islamic culture, dreams are important and can offer guidance or warnings. Understanding the common symbols in Muslim dreams can help individuals gain deeper insight into their spiritual state.
The Qur’an
In Islamic dream interpretation the Qur’an has a key role to play. It provides guidelines for those who wish to interpret dreams and for those who retell their dreams to others. It also contains an extensive list of symbols and their meanings.
It has been shown that dreams have a number of symbolic aspects. They may be glad tidings or warnings and they can be about the future, the present or the past. They can also be about people, places or things. The same symbol can have a different meaning for each person and a dream can be true or false.
Muslims believe that a soul is not limited to this world and can connect with people or events in another dimension. This is what causes the sensation of deja vu. It is also how some dreams are known to be truthful. These type of dreams are called honest dreams and increase as one gets closer to the end of time.
The Sunnah
Islamic dream interpretation, also referred to as oneiromancy or tabir, is an integral part of Muslim literature. It has been a subject of discussion by Muslim scholars over the past 1400+ years.
Using the Qur’an and traditions of the Prophet (PBUH) as the starting point, scholars reflect on the meaning of dreams in terms of their symbolism. Then they study the Sunnah to confirm the validity of their conclusions.
The Sunnah refers to the teachings, sayings and deeds attributed to the Prophet (Sl llh lyh w y) in Islam. It is considered part of the wahy, or divine revelation. In fact, some Muslims consider it more important than the Qur’an itself. The Sunnah is a key component of Islamic law and the basis for many legal rulings. Moreover, it is a guide to the correct way of life for believers.
The Traditions of the Prophet (PBUH)
Those who believe in the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) are often able to see truthful dreams. These dreams usually come in the form of glad tidings and are a great source of comfort for believers especially during times of stress or hardship.
These truthful dreams may also serve as a window to future events. However, new laws or legislation cannot be derived from these dream visions as our deen was perfected before the Prophet’s death (peace and blessings of Allah be on him).
The prophet has been reported to warn against adding or subtracting anything in a dream when relating it for interpretation. This is considered a serious sin and should be avoided at all costs. He also warned against taking a dream for granted and stated that only a righteous person would see truthful dreams. Furthermore, he advised against mentioning a dream to anyone except for a righteous scholar or someone who could give good advice.
The Symbolism of Dreams
Various symbols can be used to help with Islamic dream interpretation. For example, a horse in a dream can symbolize speed and endurance. It can also represent the need to use one’s talents.
Islam teaches that dreams can be prophetic. During sleep, the soul can connect with other souls or events in another dimension (as illustrated by the phenomenon of deja vu). These experiences are recorded in the mind and can be interpreted through dreams.
However, it is important to understand that not all dreams are prophetic. There are those who over-estimate the importance of their dreams, and as such rely on them to make major life decisions (such as halal & haram). There are also those who completely ignore them, dismissing them as legends or old wives’ tales. This is dangerous.