All you need to know about alcoholism
All You Need to Know About Alcoholism
Alcoholism can have several causes, including mental health issues like depression and anxiety, but one of the most common reasons why people become alcoholics is due to an unhappy social life. If you’re an alcoholic, try reaching out to friends and family to get your life back on track; if you know someone who is struggling with alcoholism, be there for them as they find help and take the first steps towards recovery. It’s never too late to get sober! Here are some tips to cope with alcohol addiction and understand the common causes of alcoholism that may lead to the disorder.
Types of Alcoholics
There are many reasons why people become alcoholics, but one thing is certain—people who consume excessive amounts of alcohol are in danger of becoming addicted. If you or someone you know struggles with addiction, understand that there are several different types of alcoholism. Learn more about these different types, including hereditary causes and social factors. By understanding what’s causing your drinking problem, you can begin to work toward recovery.
One of the most common types of alcoholism is known as social alcoholism. People who suffer from social alcoholism drink regularly, but only when they’re around other people. Because they can generally abstain from alcohol without too much difficulty, social alcoholics are unlikely to seek treatment on their own. If you think you might be struggling with social alcoholism, try cutting down your drinking or taking a hiatus until you feel more in control.
People who have experienced trauma or abuse in their past are also more likely to struggle with alcoholism. If you can relate, know that your past doesn’t have to determine your future. You can take steps toward recovery by reaching out for help or joining a support group.
Genetic factors also play a role in alcoholism. If you have a family history of addiction, you must take steps toward recovery as soon as possible. Although it may seem difficult, you can beat your addiction with help from others.
Another type of alcoholism is known as compulsive alcoholism. People who struggle with compulsive drinking have a very difficult time abstaining from alcohol, even when they know it’s causing them harm. If you think you might suffer from compulsive alcoholism, learn more about what it means to be an alcoholic so that you can take steps toward recovery.
Getting Help for Loved Ones
Are you addicted to alcohol? If so, it’s time to do something about it. There are different types of alcoholism, but they all have one thing in common—they can be treated. With help from others, you can overcome your addiction and live a healthier life.
Tips for Dealing with Cravings and Relapse
To many, alcoholism is a taboo subject, but it’s an issue which affects millions worldwide each year. Here are some of our best tips on how to deal with cravings and relapse. If you think you or someone you know may have an alcohol problem, please call Freeman House Recovery for help now. Help is just a phone call away!
- Try surrounding yourself with positive people. We know it sounds a little cliché, but staying away from those who pressure you into drinking or make fun of you for not drinking will help keep your relapse risk lower. Remember, not all of your friends have to be sober – some just need to support your sobriety!
- So what do you do when your mind is telling you that one more drink won’t hurt? Some people find that meditating can help. If a little bit of stress relief is all you need, try just closing your eyes for 10 minutes, focusing on your breathing and repeating a mantra like ‘I am sober’ over and over again.
- Accepting that cravings are natural and unavoidable for everyone is the first step in overcoming them. Trying to control or ignore the urge will only make it stronger. Try the following instead: Accept your desire for something. Don’t be too hard on yourself; instead, figure out how to deal with it.
- Exercise is a great way of dealing with cravings because it serves as a distraction and improves your mood. More importantly, it strengthens your willpower and improves your emotional regulation. This can come in handy when a craving hits.
- A craving is usually a stress response. Maybe you’re angry at someone or you’re feeling overwhelmed at work. Notice what you’re thinking about those situations. Are you being judgmental or catastrophising your situation? Identifying and dealing with cognitive distortions can reduce your stress, and make cravings less intense.
Overcome Alcoholism with Freeman House Recovery
Our state-of-the-art rehab in South Africa offers world-class treatment in a luxurious setting. Go to to learn more about our programme and how we can help you or your loved one get on the path to recovery.
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