All About Lightsabers
For those unfamiliar, the lightsaber, also known as a lightsaber, was a weapon often wielded by Jedi, Sith, and other Force-sensitives. The lightsaber consists of a plasma blade powered by a cybernetic crystal that is essentially detached from its metal handle and can be fired at will.
There are several lightsabers – lightsaber pistols, curved lightsabers, double bladed lightsaber, etc. What you choose rests on your proficiency and ease of wielding the blade.
Why are Lightsabers So Revered?
Apart from its excellent futuristic design – wielding it sure seems to be a test of your mettle – in skill and courage. Extreme training was required to wield it correctly, use it for protection, and more so when combined with force.
The lightsaber became synonymous with the Jedi, although the Sith also used it, and parts of the galaxy believed that the Jedi could only wield the lightsaber. Lamps were commonly used for both offense and defense. Lightsabers can cut through anything from flesh to blast doors.
Is there a Way to Stop a Lightsaber?
Several elements are famed to withstand a lightsaber attack – but only to a degree. If they come down upon you as a stab wound – even a personal energy shield will not protect you from a severe flesh wound.
The only way to stop a lightsaber attack was to use a rare metal weapon such as an electric wand, a Z6 riot weapon, a Becca, or an energy-conducting material like another lightsaber.
When used defensively, the force-sensitive explosive bolt deflects the lightsaber’s bristles and quickly deflects them toward the shooter or another target. A skilled Jedi can also use a lightsaber to absorb lightning. Most practitioners used single-blade lights, but some used double blades or multiple lights simultaneously.
Unlike other weapons in the galaxy, lightsabers were used thousands of years before the time of the Galactic Republic and were used during the Malachor apocalypse.
Lightsaber fighting is divided into forms: Form I, Form II, Form III, Form IV, Form V, Form VI, and Form VII. All these forms are several methods and techniques known across the galaxy – and believed to be the fundamental ways to wield and attack with a lightsaber. Form V was Anikin’s favorite – and perhaps yours too?
What are the Parts that Make up a Lightsaber?
The essential components in its making include a modulation circuit and several energy gates. After that, all you need is a blade emitter housing, an emitter array, and some activator to turn the weapon on and off. Other parts that can be added are handled edges and blade length adjusters.
Some lightsabers also had low-power, non-lethal settings used for training. For example, single-blade lights usually have a belt ring hanging from a belt loop or a circular attachment clipped to a matching belt clip on the wearer’s belt when not in use.
So if you are keen on getting a Darth Maul Lightsaber or Ahsoka Tan lightsaber – go ahead and have a blast. Order them now from to get attractive discounts on prices.