Addiction To Marijuana
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Introduction To Marijuana Addiction
Marijuana addiction is a real thing. It is caused by the active chemicals in marijuana, called cannabinoids. When you smoke or ingest the drug, it affects the brain’s ability to produce dopamine and regulate that hormone. This can lead to cravings and relapses even after long periods of sobriety.
Is Marijuana Addictive?
Marijuana addiction is a real problem, and it can be difficult to recognize when you’re addicted.
Marijuana addiction affects millions of people in South Africa. It can cause problems for the person who uses it, as well as for their family members or loved ones. If you feel like you might be addicted to marijuana, there are several signs that indicate addiction:
- Spending more time using marijuana than doing other activities that used to be important to you
- Feeling bad about yourself or experiencing anxiety after using marijuana
- Becoming more involved with others who use marijuana than with those who don’t
What is Marijuana Addiction?
Marijuana addiction is a brain disorder that causes compulsive drug-seeking and uses, despite harmful consequences. Marijuana abuse can lead to dependence and addiction, which are separate but related conditions. As with other forms of substance abuse, marijuana addiction has serious short-term and long-term consequences for your health, personal life, and career.
Marijuana dependence develops rapidly after chronic use starts because it contains THC (tetrahydrocannabinol), which affects the brain’s ability to produce dopamine—a neurotransmitter that regulates reward behaviors such as eating food or having sex. This causes rapid tolerance: over time users need more pot just to feel normal again! Like most drugs of abuse once an addicting substance enters their body they have little control over whether they continue using that substance until they eventually overdose on them which could cause death if not treated quickly enough
What are the Signs and Symptoms of Marijuana Addiction?
The following are the signs and symptoms of marijuana addiction:
- Confusion. People who are addicted to marijuana may have trouble thinking clearly and concentrating, which can cause them to make poor decisions. This is especially true if they’re high on the drug at work or school.
- Depression. Marijuana use can make you feel sad or depressed, even when there isn’t anything wrong in your life for you to be sad about. As a result, some people may use marijuana as a way of coping with their feelings of sadness or depression when they occur naturally in life—but this only makes those feelings worse over time because it prevents them from dealing with them properly instead of numbing themselves against these emotions by using more marijuana than necessary (which also makes it harder for them later on down the road).
- Anxiety/Paranoia/Agitation/sleep disturbances/weight loss or weight gain
Marijuana Withdrawal
There are two types of withdrawal symptoms associated with marijuana addiction: psychological and physical.
Psychological symptoms include mood swings, irritability, and restlessness. They may present themselves with a desire to use marijuana again in order to relieve these symptoms.
Physical symptoms include loss of appetite, sleep disturbances, and headaches. These can be managed by eating healthy meals regularly and getting adequate sleep at night. It’s also important to remember that these symptoms do not represent life-threatening health concerns, nor do they mean you have developed some form of dangerous disease or mental illness that requires treatment immediately; however if these symptoms persist for more than two weeks it might be time for you to seek professional help from a medical professional who specializes in substance abuse disorders such as a psychiatrist or psychologist.”
What are the Health Risks of Marijuana Abuse?
When you abuse marijuana, you can experience a variety of health problems both mental and physical. Some of these health risks are permanent, some are temporary, some reversible and some irreversible.
Often when people hear about the potential dangers of marijuana abuse, they think that it’s only possible to suffer from short-term effects such as feeling tired or experiencing paranoia. The reality is that there are long-term negative consequences to abusing this drug as well. These include:
- Heart disease (including heart attack)
- Increased risk of stroke
- Lowered blood pressure
- Lowered blood sugar levels (diabetes)
- Anxiety disorders
How Do I Get Help for Marijuana Addiction?
If you are experiencing problems with marijuana, it is important to seek treatment as soon as possible. Many treatment programs offer counseling, individual therapy, group therapy, and medical support. The best program will include all of these components in order to provide you with the best chance of achieving sobriety and living a happy life free from addiction.
In addition to traditional forms of treatment such as residential or outpatient programs, many people find that holistic approaches like acupuncture or meditation help them detoxify successfully while also addressing other underlying issues that may be contributing to their marijuana use pattern.
If you’re wondering if your loved one might be using too much marijuana, here are some signs and symptoms to watch for:
- They use more than they intend to or they find themselves craving it often
- Their life revolves around getting high instead of other activities like work or school
- They spend a lot of time thinking about when they will get high again
Marijuana addiction is a serious issue that affects millions of people every year. If you or someone you know is struggling with marijuana, please reach out for help. There are many resources available to help you get back on track and lead a healthy life free from substance abuse.
Contact New Day Rehab For Marijuana Addiction Help
New Day Rehabilitation Centre is one of the most effective rehab centres in Gauteng. We are an inpatient facility that specialises in drug and alcohol addiction treatment in Johannesburg.
We provide a safe space for those detoxing from drugs or alcohol and a framework for addicts and alcoholics to begin their recovery journey. All clients are treated with respect and dignity and treated with confidentiality by our qualified therapist and network of doctors and psychiatrists. While many of our clients cater for themselves, we provide laundry services and all meals for those who need them.
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