Addiction and Recovery A new jewish Perspective
The science that supports successful addiction recovery is generally very well known, and the same basic steps are followed in virtually every reputable addiction recovery program, wherever it may be.
At Freeman House, however, we’re keenly aware of the fact that there is much more involved in the process of healing and restoring an individual than only going through a physical and psychological detoxification and recovery support process. A thoughtful, compassionate kosher addiction recovery program should also address a vitally important facet: that of the human soul.
From both a religious and cultural perspective, a key aspect of the way we care for others is embodied in the commandment to observe the sanctity of life. And life, in its fullest, deepest sense, means more than just the necessary physical health, prosperity, and happiness that we each strive for: it also means a joyful reconnection with our own nature, with others who share our beliefs and traditions, and with the Divine.
Life, fully lived, also centres around common compassion, and the consideration of human dignity, displayed sincerely and practically. These qualities are what unite families and communities and give us our deepest sense of identity and belonging.
Typically, most addiction recovery programs place great emphasis on helping recovering individuals to change their lifestyles in order to avoid addiction triggers, create positive habits, and promote progressive recovery – and this is a good thing.
At first glance, to the general public and even perhaps families affected by addiction, the underlying assumption is often: addiction is bad, sobriety is good. And the substance itself, or behaviour pattern, is identified as the “bad thing” to be avoided at all costs.
However, this neglects a very important point. If we look at it from the perspective of the person suffering from addiction, we begin to realize that it is not the actual substance or behaviour that is the root of the problem. Rather, the addiction itself is the problem – the substance is just a way of satisfying it. The addiction, deep-rooted in the individual, is a means of coping with fear, uncertainty, or trauma, and the substance (or behaviour) is actually the very thing addicts believe provides comfort and familiarity.
So, to a person suffering from addiction, the substance of choice is not the root of the problem – for that person, it is the perceived solution – to discomfort, disorientation, and disconnection.
There is an old Jewish saying which you may likely have heard: “Knowing the disease is half the cure”. And it’s absolutely true. By establishing a clear understanding of what causes the inner pain in the first place, makes it much easier to deal with the external addiction.
For this to happen, an empathetic, hands-on approach is best, coupled with the insight of expert therapists who know how to gently and expertly treat the causes of the addiction, as well as the addiction itself.
And that is where Freeman House excels.
Our kosher addiction recovery program fosters a sense of belonging – of community that brings purpose, perspective, and comfort. Our approach is one of non-judgmental pragmatism, where individuals are able to regain not just a sense of self-worth, but also self-sufficiency.
Our rehabilitation program emphasizes structure and routine, and of course this echoes the rich Judaic tradition of honoured ritual and symbolism that typifies our faith and culture. This, in turn, creates an environment of comfort and familiarity for those in our care.
The old saying tells us that “G-d heals the patient, and the doctor collects the fee”. We readily acknowledge that the purpose of a kosher addiction recovery program is to create the right environment for natural healing and restoration to take place, and that our role is to do so to the very best of our ability.
With sobriety often comes recognition of the harm that has been done to others, and to self, and with that, there is often a sense of guilt and a sincere desire to make restitution. In a very tangible sense, the temple of the human body and spirit has been damaged, and the task of rebuilding is a sacred act as much as it is a practical necessity. Gentle, firm encouragement is needed, and so is forgiveness, and these are tenets that we uphold to be aligned with Jewish identity and ethics.
For anyone seeking kosher addiction recovery facilities, Freeman House Recovery Centre provides programs that are professional, comprehensive, and effective. This includes a full-time on-site mashgiach under supervision of the Beth Din so guests are assured of wholesome kosher food that is fresh, lovingly prepared and home-made.
Situated in a pristine, beautiful country environment, and staffed by a skilled selection of highly qualified specialists, Freeman House ensures that every individual in our care is given the best possible tools for complete recovery from addiction.
Take the first step, and contact us today to find out more about our facilities and options.
This article was first published at Addiction and Recovery A new jewish Perspective