Acupuncture Can Treat Insomnia Problems
Sleep is essential for good health and functioning properly throughout the day, but everyone does not get the proper sleep easily. There are several causes of temporary or continued trouble in sleeping, but insomnia is a common reason. Insomnia is a sleeping condition that can cause trouble falling asleep, difficulty sleeping throughout the night, or awakening too early in the morning. These symptoms often occur, for weeks, for no apparent reason.
Several options for treating insomnia include stress reduction techniques, cognitive behavioral therapy, improved sleep hygiene, herbal supplements, medication, and hypnosis. In traditional Chinese medicine, acupuncture in Baltimore is often used to treat various disorders, including insomnia.
Acupuncture Help You Sleep
Researches show acupuncture is an effective treatment for insomnia. Acupuncture involves the insertion of several thin needles into the skin to stimulate certain points of the body. Some commonly prescribed drugs used to treat insomnia can make a person feel drowsy the next day, so it is better to receive acupuncture treatment for sleep.
While the thought of improving your sleep may not be what’s on your mind when jabbed by thin needles, acupuncture can reduce stress and anxiety, stimulate the release of melatonin, induce sleep, and may reduce sleep disturbances.
Specialist acupuncturists believe that by inserting thin needles into the skin at specific points, acupuncture can help regulate the body’s physiology and help with good sleep at night.
Acupuncture can reduce stress to calm the mind, increase relaxation, and promote sleep. This therapy can also help increase the stimulation of natural melatonin in the body to get better sleep.
While chronic pain can sometimes prevent you from getting comfortable and going to sleep, resolving or easing pain with acupuncture can help you get a good night’s rest.
Acupuncture may also be effective for people with sleep apnea. Helping a person lose weight can reduce sleep apnea.
Qualified therapists of massage centers provide the best acupuncture in Baltimore, which significantly improves sleep quality and duration compared to no treatment, medications. Treatment of insomnia with traditional Chinese acupuncture therapy is more effective than medical treatment without acupuncture.
How Does Acupuncture Help You Sleep?
Acupuncture increase levels of melatonin, a natural hormone that makes you feel sleepy. Or acupuncture increases blood circulation to particular sleep-inducing areas of the brain, especially when acupuncture is performed on the scalp.
Traditional Chinese medicine explains acupuncture helps treat insomnia and other disorders differently. Our body is made up of many acupoints, which, when balanced, create vital energy. An imbalance obstructs energy flow, and acupuncture is the practice to rebalance the body’s flow and restore bodily functioning.