About PCOS (Polycystic Ovary Syndrome)
Many ladies come to me with PCOS ovaries. They have PCOS side effects Like delayed periods, acne, hirsutism, obesity and insulin resistance PCOS. They also have problems in starting a family and are not able to conceive. This causes a lot of stress and anxiety. Once they approach Dr Mona Dahiya at Little Angel IVF, a detailed history is taken and examination done. Tests are carried out like hormonal tests and ultrasound to detect PCOS ovaries.
The tests include hormonal tests like Day 2 LH, FSH, AMH, fasting glucose insulin ratio, serum cortisol, and lipid profile. Once the diagnosis is made, then the treatment is started. It includes medicines to improve the insulin sensitivity like inositol and metformin. These help in correcting the metabolic imbalance and also in weight loss journey. Metformin is a drug routinely used to control diabetes. Many patients get confused and ask me why they have been given metformin when they don’t have diabetes.
Then they are explained that the metformin is not to control diabetes but to improve the insulin
resistance seen in PCOS. Metformin also helps to prevent Ovarian Hyperstimulation Syndrome seen in PCOS patients undergoing IVF. Thus, it is a beneficial drug.
Couples with PCOS having infertility are treated by Dr Mona Dahiya at Little Angel IVF. Complete tests are carried out. If anovulation is the cause of infertility, certain drugs may be given which stimulate follicular growth like Clomiphene and Letrozole. Folliclular monitoring is carried out to see the growth. Once follicle is ready the couple can try naturally and conceive. If this is not working then IUI may be done. Many couples having PCOS have conceived after IUI. Thus, to find out the most appropriate management, PCOS couples should consult Dr Mona Dahiya at Little Angel IVF.