A Silver Kiddush Cup
A silver Kiddush cup is a special Jewish cup used for pouring wine for the Sabbath and holidays. It has been around for centuries and many Jewish families keep this part of their tradition.
Kiddush is a benediction and prayer recited over a cup of wine immediately before the meal on the eve of Shabbat or Jewish Holidays. The cup is used for all the blessings recited and it is believed that by drinking from the same cup that was used to make the benediction the person drinks more blessed wine.
Generally the cup is made of sterling silver but it can be made out of any other material as well. Some cups are engraved with family name words of blessing to God and symbols including stars of David lions vines etc. These designs are a reminder of the ancient Israelite tribes and the places in history that Jews occupied.
One must wash the hands before using a Kiddush cup and after using it as well. This is to remove any residue taste from the previous food and it’s also good for health.
Some people use a separate cup for Elijah which is passed around the table at Shabbat and Jewish Holidays to represent that they believe in the prophet Elijah who will come again soon. It is best to have a separate Kiddush cup for each person at the table so that they don’t have to share the same cup.כוס קידוש מכסף