A Dermatologist’s Perspective On Laser Hair Removal For Hirsutism
Are you exhausted from trying various traditional hair removal techniques? Most of the time, the hair regrows in a matter of days or weeks. Hair removal treatments, shaving, and waxing only provide short-term fixes. Laser hair removal in Bangalore is a lifesaver for people who wish to permanently stop their excessive hair growth. For women with hirsutism in particular, laser hair removal is a safe, efficient, and long-lasting way to get rid of unsightly facial and body hair when done by a medical professional. This clinically tested method has been there since the 1990s and is widely popular among hirsute young adults in Bangalore.
Understanding Hirsutism
In this special cosmetic condition, people may experience excessive hair growth in specific body areas. It primarily impacts women. Instead of the fine hair, often called “peach fuzz”, hirsute women may acquire coarse, dark hair growth on their upper lip, chest, chin, belly, or back. Apart from dark hair growth, virilisation is another symptom of hirsutism. It is a condition in which a woman may develop different characteristics related to male hormones (androgens). Around 5-10% of the women are hirsute. This is a common presenting complaint to the best dermatologist in Bangalore.
What causes hirsutism
Hirsutism may occur if the body gets more sensitive to certain hormones or increases the amount of these hormones. However, polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) is the most common cause that may result in the excessive secretion of androgens. Furthermore, a woman’s body may experience hormonal changes following menopause that result in increased facial hair, such as whiskers or a moustache. Moreover, Cushing’s syndrome can be another reason that may lead to hirsutism. Overproduction of the hormone cortisol causes Cushing’s syndrome, which can impair the organs responsible for your skin, hair, nails, glands, and nerves (integumentary system).
Laser Hair Removal for Hirsutism
Best Dermatologist in Bangalore often suggests that laser hair removal is one of the most effective long-term solutions to hirsutism. While vitamin supplements, diet modifications, and medication can all help combat the effects of hirsutism, laser hair removal has been shown to reduce hair by 90% when treatments are repeated. The skin-based hair follicles are heated and eventually destroyed by the laser’s light source. This affects the hair process of growth and subsequently combats Hirsutism. Hence, it can be stated that for those suffering from hirsutism who are dissatisfied with the outcomes of other therapies, laser therapy is an unmatched last resort. It is suitable in any situation, regardless of the hirsutism’s underlying cause. Studies show that while seeking skin and hair treatment in Bangalore, most patients are satisfied with laser hair removal for hirsutism as it is non-invasive and does not generally include any negative impact on hair or skin.
How does laser hair removal work?
Laser hair removal is one of the most effective ways to treat hirsutism in an effective and permanent way. Unlike medication, laser hair removal for hirsutism has the advantage of treating a condition without requiring knowledge of its underlying causes. Moreover, laser hair treatment has virtually no chance of skin irritation or shaving-related damage. The 90% reduction in the likelihood of hair regrowth greatly boosts one’s self-confidence. Using microsurgery precision-aimed light, hair follicles are damaged in the process of laser hair removal. The technique, called selective photothermolysis, is generally precise because it uses light that doesn’t damage the skin’s outer layer. After the pigment in the hair absorbs the light, the heat that is produced severely damages the hair follicles, inhibiting the process of regrowth.
This kind of hair removal technique is considered to be non-invasive and, in most cases, laser hair removal for hirsutism does not involve any kind of side effects. However, it is vital that you consult with the best dermatologist in Bangalore to opt for the best kind of laser hair removal process based on your needs and specifications. The price of this kind of treatment generally depends on the sessions the patient will need to attend based on their specific condition of hair growth.
Things to remember before laser hair removal
Before seeking hair removal treatment in Bangalore, it is important to consult with specialists to assess whether the patient has any special skin ailment or allergy. Understanding the hair growth condition of the body is also very important to measure how many sessions the patient would need to find an effective and long-term cure for hirsutism. In this scenario, the best dermatologist in Bangalore may ask the patient to share her personal medical history and may also suggest undergoing some trivial medical tests to understand the skin condition. The targeted area must be shaved and made devoid of any lotion or moisturiser before laser hair removal. Avoiding sun damage or tanning is also necessary. The candidate needs to avoid the sun for at least ten days before the session, as this could cause the skin to become photosensitive to laser treatment.
If you’re hirsute and want an effective and long-term solution to your specific conditions at the best price, you must consult Dr. Tina Ramachander, the best dermatologist in Bangalore, who can provide you with a customised plan for laser hair removal for hirsutism.