You Can Make Sure Your Child Has A Safe Trip Every Time With Booster Seats
Booster seats are a great way to make sure your child is safe in the car. While the American Academy of Pediatrics recommends that children use a booster seat until they’re at least 8 years old and 4’9″ tall, many parents don’t realize that there are different types of booster seats on the market today. And since not every booster seat will fit in every vehicle (or work for every child), it’s important you know what your options are before buying one.
What are booster seats?
Booster seats are designed to be used in the back seat of a car. They’re usually used for children who have outgrown their infant or convertible car seats. Booster seats help keep a child’s head, neck, and spine aligned properly so that in case of an accident they’re less likely to suffer injury. Some booster seats also come with a five-point harness system which helps keep the child safe while they ride in the vehicle safety belt.
When can my child move to a booster?
The minimum age recommended by the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) is 4 years old. However, before you move your child to a booster, they should be able to sit with their back against the vehicle seat and their feet touching the floor. This allows them to safely buckle themselves in without assistance.
Once your child meets these requirements and can demonstrate how to safely secure themselves with a seat belt or car seat harness, then it’s time for a booster seat!
How do I know my child is ready for a booster?
Your child is ready for a booster when he or she can sit with their back against the vehicle’s seat, with their knees bent at the edge of the seat and their hips and thighs touching it. If your child has outgrown a car seat but still needs help being safe in the car, then you may want to consider getting a high-back booster seat. With this type of booster, there will be more room between your child’s shoulders and head as well as between their knees and feet. This type of seat is great for larger kids who are too big for standard boosters but still not tall enough for regular seats yet!
What types of booster seats are available?
Booster seats come in various shapes and sizes to accommodate children of different ages. Some booster seats can be used as a high chair, car seat or stroller. Some are specially designed for children with special needs like autism or developmental delays.
Booster seats can help keep your child safe. The best booster seats have features that help position your child correctly in the car seat and make sure he or she is protected from injury.
There are many types of booster seats, including high chairs, harnesses, and belts. Your child’s age and development will determine which type of seat is right for him or her. You should check the safety ratings of a seat before you buy it, as well as take advice from a car seat technician if you need help choosing one. Visit for more information.
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