Herbal shampoo for dandruff and psoriasis | Lumina shampoo
Lumina herbal shampoo gives freedom from dandruff and scalp scales.Lumina shampoo possess anti-irritant and anti-greying properties acts as natural hair dye and gives shiny luscious locks.Lumina shampoo reduces hair fall and acts as an excellent hair conditioner and cleanser.Lumina shampoo also contains Acacia sinuate, Psoryleacorylifolia, Indigoferatinctoria are very effective in the management of dandruff and maintenance of pigmentation of hair and improving its follicular strength.Lumina shampoo containsAloe vera, Trigonellafoenum, Hibiscus rosasinensis improve hair strength and cool the scalp giving moisturizing effect.Lumina shampoo is an effective herbal anti-dandruff shampoo presented with the goodness of several herbs that have excellent properties in improving the conditions of hair & preventing dandruff.Lumina shampoo offers smmoth, soft and lustrous hair.Lumina shampoo showed 60% of candida albicans killed in a short contact time of 2minutes.Lumina shampoo exerts quick kill effect on pityrosporumovale.