A short article published in PC World Magazine says that the slot gacor online gambling industry is alive and kicking with one exception, you cannot use a credit card. According to the article, the Unlawful Internet Gambling Act passed last September didn’t stop so called “sharks” or regular sports fans from placing bets on their favorite teams. Since virtually all online gambling sites are based outside the reach of US law enforcement, the US has no way of actually closing down the business and players who want to make a deposited are now using alternative albeit less comfortable methods for depositing funds online.
The new law forbids back and other financing institutions to transfer funds, including through credit cards into the hands of online gambling sites and internet casinos. However the law itself does not put any restrictions on the player itself.
According to Frank Catania – former New Jersey gambling regulator- and other experts in the field, alternative funding methods are not likely to be blocked by the new law. Credit card payments are much easier for banks to track than personal check or other funding methods. It is currently no expected that the US will force bank to track those payment methods as well. It looks as though the personal check is going to be the preferred depositing method for online casino customers and other gambling enthusiasts. Although online gambling sites probably prefer not to deal with personal checks, it looks like most of them will prefer to take the added risk and extra work involved just to retain the business of the American market which is estimated to be worth more than 50% of the industry’s revenue.
Party Poker and its management are demonstrating that there is life for online gambling after the Unlawful Internet
Gambling Act. The company is recovering and plans to offer casino services in many other different countries.
We only at least one online casinos player who doesn’t need to worry about Christmas presents. Both Intercasino and lady of luck were kind enough to award a lucky InterCasino customer a very nice prize of more than 159,000 GBP while he was playing Caribbean Stud Poker.
The award seems justified as the winner has been a loyal client of InterCasino in the last 2 years. Although we are often used to stories of first time winners, this time the winner is lasting casino enthusiast would just happened to hit the jackpot. Since this is the very first time that he had one such a big prize, the reaction was of course that of a surprise since it was all totally unexpected “Initially I thought I had won ten percent of the slot gacor jackpot with a straight flush, but when I checked my hand more carefully and realized I had a royal flush I was absolutely amazed. It took at least ten minutes for me to collect my thoughts.” The game of poker is generally thought to be a very complex game. The winner has actually been playing poker since he was 12 years old “I have been playing Caribbean poker online with Intercasino for two years. I learnt to play poker when I was twelve years old and have been playing both online and offline since then.”
For the uninitiated poker players among you, you can take solace in the fact that unlike other popular poker variants like Holdem or Stud, Caribbean Stud Poker is an easier game which doesn’t take long to learn and master. It is more similar to regular Video Poker and slot machines than to classic poker played against human opponents.