Everything you need to know about New labor market testing requirements
Australia is known for the best migration system. The Australian government makes continuous efforts to make relevant changes in the migration policy to attract migrants from different parts of the world. Just make sure when you apply for the visa to consult the experienced team of migration agents in Brisbane. In this article, we are going to discuss the new labour market testing requirements for your understanding.
New labour market testing requirements
The Australian government announced the current labor market testing (LMT) on 2nd September 2020. The requirements are enhanced to ensure the Australian workers are given priority for the job opportunities they get in Australia.
Subclass 482 (Temporary Skill Shortage) visa, or Subclass 494 (Skilled Employer-Sponsored Regional visa need at least 2 job advertisements and one of them should be placed on the government website on the jobactive section.
Subclass 187 Regional Sponsored Migration Scheme visa and Subclass 186 Employer Nomination Scheme, in these visa types the employers need to advertise the position on Jobactive.
When the new requirements are going to be in action?
The new requirements are going to apply to the nominations which are lodged after or on 1st October 2020 and ensure that the Australian citizens are skilled and they are permanent residents who are allowed to work before overseas workers in the business have the vacancy for a specific position.
The DOHA (Department of Home Affairs) has indicated they will be looking closely at the subclass 186 and subclass 187 application. The focus will be on whether in the past year any worker in Australia has worked in that position have faced the situation of:
- Been retrenched;
- Had their hours reduced
- Had a reduction in pay, and conditions.
The applications which are put on advertisement in the Jobactive need to be accepted for around 4 weeks according to the LMT requirement. The importance needs to be given to placing the advertisement for the relevant positions as early as possible. By doing so, the Australian workers will get a lot of benefits. The advertisement needs to be in English and they need to be listed for around 4 weeks. Make sure it has the following information:
Name of the employer or recruiter placing the advertisement
- Skills or experience needed
- Title or description, of the position
- Salary (if the annual earnings for the position will be less than $96,000).
If you have lodged before 1st October 2020, then these amendments will not affect your nomination or nomination for the select position or select occupation to which alternative evidence arrangements are needed.
Get in touch with the migration agents
It can be difficult to manage everything on your own, and this is the reason we always suggest people consult the migration agent. They have proper understanding and skills to get the work done on time. Moreover, they will talk you through the entire process and make sure the application is lodged on time along with all the essential documents.