Best Effective Dog Training Tips
This article will provide you with the essentials of effective dog training with helpful information on behavior modification, overcoming dog fears and phobias, desensitization, and mental stimulation, dog owners and dog trainers will certainly find this a helpful guide.
Just like humans, dogs can learn to fear and hate something or somebody to a great extent. The stimulus that induces the fear or phobia may vary from one dog to another but the most common stimuli are those that produce sudden and loud noises. Some fears may also sound irrational and illogical such as the phobia of brooms.
It is certainly advisable to adopt a puppy while young so you will be able to condition your dogs and not be afraid of certain items or objects. Greater challenges will confront you if you deal with dogs coming from rescue homes due to their previous traumatic experiences. At the same time, you have known them only for a short period so you may have difficulty understanding the issues they are going through.
A growing puppy is expected to encounter situations that may be more threatening and frightening to your pet. Your growing puppy will start learning to encounter these situations calmly and bravely, with the loving assurance and presence of the mother and of the dog owner. A dog’s early experiences play a crucial role in how the dog deals with potentially threatening and frightening situations.
How the dog has been raised to be and whether it has had any effective dog training will play a crucial role in how or what kind of adult dog your pet will turn up to be. The type of adult dog your pet will turn out to be will be a reflection of the type of environment the dog grew up to be around. A puppy raised in a peaceful environment may elicit adverse reactions to noise and chaos. Most puppies and even adult dogs express their fear and suspicion by litter. Thus, dog owners and dog trainers are advised to expose their dogs to the usual noises and places so that their pet will no longer be shocked when faced with these situations or stimuli. By exposing your pet to a variety of situations, you help in minimizing the possibility of phobias and fears. If you spot some signs of fear and anxiety in your dog, you need not lose hope. You can still do a remedy to counterattack the fears and anxieties your dog has learned.
There are also stimuli that can cause fear and anxiety in your pet dog that are beyond your control such as thunderstorms. Changes in the weather condition, humidity, and atmospheric pressure cannot be changed or manipulated by an individual. Dogs are far more sensitive to weather changes and disturbances than humans. Dogs are also sensitive to light conditions such as the darkening of the sky and flashes of lightning. Another weather-related stimulus that induces fear and anxiety in dogs is heavy rainfall followed by loud claps of thunder. Since it is impossible for an individual to stop these situations from happening, the best thing a dog owner versed in Effective Dog Training can do is to teach his or her pet to overcome the fear of these situations.
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