Advantages of onsite training and tips to improve it
What are the advantages of onsite training? I’m sure one can think of tons of reasons but for those of you who still aren’t sure, here are some reasons that can help you make up your mind.
Time is money
With onsite training, employees can save time in trying to find an appropriate facility, unlike offsite training. Regardless if it is an entire team of different people or a single individual, it takes a lot of time and effort to look for places for training for the team, to secure that particular space for the time required for training, and also to make sure that the facility has all the right tools and technology to carry out all the training and development practices.
What most people don’t know is that it even saves a lot of money. With off-site training, you will usually need to pay for the facility where the training will be conducted, and you will also need to figure out the means of transportation for both trips in case the facility isn’t nearby.
Think of it like this. If you have chosen a hotel for training, chances are that you will have to pay for the onsite training services that include hotel lodging for a couple of nights so that you can fit in multiple training sessions within the same period of time. And if the plan is for a long period of time, the cost of food and beverage gets added to the whole budget.
There are chances that the training might be a bit sensitive and the firm may not like it to be leaked to the customers or even the rivals in the market.
If the training is being conducted offsite, the whole process becomes more prone and vulnerable to security-related problems. This can become a serious issue for a new product or even compliance type training, where the handouts and materials are to be taken by the trainees once the class was complete. Things could go sideways and problems might arise if the material was left behind on the site, falling in the wrong hands.
Business remains intact
The thing about offsite training is that employees don’t have access to physical office space during their training. Even though the majority of the files and documents are available and accessible, remote training still somehow removes employees from their routine workday.
For instance, an employee can get a call from a client that wants them to work in collaboration with another member of the office. If it is in the case of onsite training, it would be like a walk in the park, having a brief conversation, and then getting back in business with the client as soon as possible.
This process can take a lot more time with offsite training, which might irritate the client and may become the reason for the potential loss of a business client.
But how can one make onsite training more effective?
Ways to make onsite training effective
Storytelling helps
The wiring of humans makes them enjoy anecdotes and stories, no matter what. Our whole childhood has been all about stories from relatives, grandparents, and even our mothers and fathers. And the story doesn’t stop there, as adults, we also enjoy sharing stories, one way or the other. This is why the addition of stories into training can be a great way to make it more effective.
Instead of normally pointing out the importance of wearing personal protective equipment in the correct manner, the story can be told about a trainee or an employee who forgot to do the same and had to face the consequences.
Repetition is key
Usually, trainers find themselves hesitant whenever a topic is discussed previously and don’t like the idea of bringing it up in the next session. But contrary to popular beliefs, repetition is a very key aspect of effective training.
Start small
There are chances that you might feel the need to cover every single topic in a single training session but the natural short attention span of people is why breaking up the topic into smaller bits might be a better option. Instead of having a long session regarding everything that the HUD does, try to come up with different sessions on each of their sectors. It might take a bit more time to offer information in this manner, but chances are that the workers might learn in a better manner.
Presentation after reviewing
Generally, trainers just walk into the training area, get started with the material, and start talking. But the better way to approach the training is by reviewing the training materials before the session actually begins. This gives the trainer the time to become familiar with the given material, making the delivery that much more natural and better.
Not to mention that it offers trainers the time to consider the goals for the given session, what is there for the workers, and whether or not the materials offer the right kind of information at the right time. In case the statement doesn’t hold true, changes should be made to improve it.
At the end of the day, onsite training can be more effective than offsite training due to the reasons that have been mentioned in the write-up. Onsite training gives you the edge over any other method and can improve training areas as well.