7 tips to prepare for your first root canal therapy
If you are going to have your first root canal, you should be prepared for the procedure. You will likely feel anxious and unsure of what to expect during the procedure. But if you have a dentist that you trust, you can always ask questions. He will always be happy to answer them. It is important to keep calm and relaxed, so that the procedure will go as smoothly as possible. Here are a few tips to prepare for your first root canal therapy and RCT in Calgary.
Root canal therapy is a simple procedure that treats infected teeth. Your dentist will drill a hole in your tooth to access the pulp chamber, remove the pulp and nerves, and seal the tooth with a dental crown. The process is usually painless, but there is a small chance that you will feel some discomfort before the procedure. To ensure your comfort, ask the dentist as many questions as possible and take the necessary steps to prepare.
What is dental crown, Following root canal therapy, you will want to get plenty of rest. If you are able to, take a day off of work. The recovery process will be faster if you take the time off. You will also want to avoid smoking for a few days. Smoking interferes with the healing process and makes it more likely that you will need future dental work.
Avoiding hot, crunchy foods
For the first two to three days following root canal therapy, avoid chewing on hot and crunchy foods. These foods can cause more discomfort and can also damage your temporary filling. In addition, hot and crunchy food can cause the numbness to return and cause further damage. As your mouth heals, you can gradually advance your diet and gradually begin eating normal foods again.
Avoiding tobacco
The risks of root canal treatment are significantly higher among smokers than those without tobacco use. However, the benefits of avoiding tobacco use aren’t just for your health – they are also good for your dental health. This is especially important after having a tooth extracted. If you smoke, try to stop before you go for your first extraction. This can also help if you have wisdom teeth, which may need to be removed. Consult your dentist before making any final decisions. If you’re unable to quit smoking, wait until you have fully healed the extraction site before starting any type of tobacco use.
Avoiding alcohol
Before you go in for your first root canal therapy, it is important to refrain from drinking alcohol for 24 hours. This is because alcohol and tobacco can affect the healing process. Additionally, they can affect the blood flow to your mouth. Therefore, it is important to discuss any smoking or alcohol habits with your dentist. The dentist can also recommend a fasting period that is right for you.
Getting a dental checkup
Before beginning a root canal therapy treatment, it’s important to have a dental checkup. Many of these procedures can be painful, and getting a dental checkup before your first one can help reduce your pain and minimize any complications. A dental checkup before a root canal treatment is also important to prevent reinfection, which can result from failed root canal treatment.
Getting anesthesia
If you are nervous about getting a root canal, you can get help. Nitrous oxide, which is commonly known as laughing gas, is an option that can make the procedure more comfortable. This gas is inhaled before the procedure begins and makes the patient feel relaxed and comfortable. They are still aware during the procedure, but the gas keeps them relaxed and comfortable. This option is great for people with a high anxiety level or special needs. Other options include general anesthesia. General anesthesia has more risks and is not recommended for everyone.