Reasons Why You Should Get an Executive Function Coach
As parents, we want our children to succeed in life. We want them to be happy, healthy, and successful. But what do we do when they face obstacles that we can’t help them overcome? That’s where an executive functioning coach comes in. These coaches are qualified to help children with challenges like dyslexia, ADHD, and autism. They use a variety of techniques and strategies to help children develop their abilities in the areas of the organization, time management, focus, and planning.
Many people believe that children who struggle with executive function skills may experience difficulties in school or at home. Accordingly, it can be beneficial to get an executive function coach for your child. Here are four reasons why you should consider this:
- Executive functions are strongly related to overall academic achievement — In recent years, there has been growing evidence showing how poor executive function skills impact learning outcomes across various domains of education. This includes everything from reading comprehension to math proficiency.
- Executive functions underlie successful parenting — One study showed that parents whose preschoolers exhibited signs of struggling with executive functions scored lower on measures of self-esteem, social competence, resilience, communication quality, and peer relationship quality along with increased levels of distress. If you want your child to be a successful parent, they must have strong Executive function coaching skills from an early age.
- Executive functions can impact physical health — In addition to impacting academic achievement and parenting abilities, poor executive function skills may also disrupt normal sleep patterns, and increase the risk for obesity and associated diseases. , and lead to depression. As you can see then, there are many ways in which improving your child’s executive functioning will positively impact their overall wellbeing.
- Improving Executive Function Skills Can Reduce Problems Later in Life — A study published in the journal The American Psychological Association found that adults with higher levels of self-discipline and planning ability had a lower risk for developing problems such as substance abuse, mental health issues, and criminality. This suggests that if you want your child to have a successful future, it is important to help them develop strong executive function skills from an early age.
There are many benefits to improving your child’s executive function skills, and there is no reason why you should not try to do so. By doing so, you will be helping them achieve their greatest potential both academically and personally. There are a few things that you can do to help your child build stronger executive function skills.
- Encourage them to engage in mentally challenging activities — Challenging your child’s mind with intellectually stimulating activities will not only improve their cognitive ability but will also increase their executive function skills. By helping your child challenge themselves mentally, they will become more prepared for the challenges of life and be able to better manage difficult situations.
- Help them practice effective time management — Many people struggle with efficient time management, which can lead to problems such as delayed gratification and increased stress levels. By helping your child learn how to manage their time effectively, they will be able to better handle the demands of daily life.
- Encourage them to develop a positive attitude — A positive attitude is key for success in any area of life, and it is also critical for developing strong executive function skills. by teaching your child how to have a positive outlook on life, they will be more likely to achieve their goals.
By taking these steps, you can help your child improve their overall well-being and performance in both academic and personal areas.
No doubt working on your child’s Executive functioning coaching can have a positive impact on their behavior and academic performance. Parents like you who have gone through this transformation themselves recommend it as one of the best ways to raise responsible children.