Exam AZ-304: Microsoft Azure Architect Design (beta)
If you are thinking about Azure Solutions Architect Expert but you are afraid of bad results. No doubt it is not easy to pass this exam but you don’t need to worry about this now because we are offering AZ-304 Dumps PDF for preparation and this material is free of cost. Experts have done their best to make this work unique and they are successful in doing so. You are guaranteed to pass your exam if you use Microsoft Azure Architect Design exam dumps for your exam preparation.
Exam Code: AZ-304
Certification Name: Azure Solutions Architect Expert
Vendor: Microsoft
Languages: English
An Azure Solution Architect partners with cloud administrators, cloud DBAs, and clients to implement solutions.
A candidate for this exam should have advanced experience and knowledge of IT operations, including networking, virtualization, identity, security, business continuity, disaster recovery, data platform, budgeting, and governance–this role should manage how decisions in each area affect an overall solution. In addition, this role should have expert-level skills in Azure administration and have experience with Azure development and DevOps processes.
Skills measured
Design monitoring (10-15%)
Design identity and security (25-30%)
Design data storage (15-20%)
Design business continuity (10-15%)
Design infrastructure (25-30%)
You don’t need to think much before going for a difficult exam like Azure Solutions Architect Expert because now you have AZ-304 Exam Dumps for your preparation and now you can easily ace your exam. Experts have done their best to help the students according to the exam type. You can practice your knowledge on testing quiz and can bring definite results by your efforts. You can contact us anytime at DumpsSure. Our representatives are always available for your help there.