6 Lawn Mowing Tips
Mowing the lawn is one of the most basic yet important chores to do in your yard. But it can also be one of the most daunting, especially if you don’t know how to properly cut grass. Here are some tips that will help you in landscape maintenance Sarasota.
1. Mow when the grass is dry
Mow when the grass is dry. Mowing wet grass causes the grass to clump and mats to form, creating a mess that’s difficult to get out of your lawn mower. It also makes it more difficult for you to push the mower, which means more time spent on yard work with less satisfaction in return.
You can help ensure that your lawn stays dry by only cutting off about one-third of the height at each mowing session. Then, let your lawn rest briefly before resuming another session—about two weeks should do it!
2. Sharpen or replace your mower blades often
If you haven’t sharpened your blades since the last time you bought a new mower, it’s time to schedule an appointment with your local lawn care expert Sarasota. They’ll be able to tell if they need a little extra TLC or if it’s time for a replacement.
If you’ve had the same mower for years and are still using the original blade, then you’re probably going to want to replace them—especially if your lawn has suffered some serious damage from an untidy-looking patch of grass pointing toward where the wheels passed over. It may require more than just replacing one blade; sometimes both blades need replacing immediately after each other. If this is the case, make sure that both blades are sharpened appropriately before putting them back on!
3. Change up your mowing pattern each time you mow.
Next, you should try changing up your mowing pattern each time you mow.
For example, if you normally go back and forth with your mower, try going sideways or diagonally instead. This will help prevent the buildup of thatch in your lawn’s grassroots and help promote a healthier-looking yard overall!
4. Cut grass higher than you think you should.
Achieving the best grass-cutting results involves a little bit of trial and error. You’ll need to experiment with how high you should be cutting your lawn, as well as other factors like mower height, blade sharpness, and engine speed.
5. Be extra cautious around sprinklers and obstacles.
Be extra cautious around sprinklers and obstacles. Of course, you should always be careful when mowing around objects like trees, but even the most obvious lawn hazards can catch you by surprise. If a sprinkler is on your route and its spray is not clearly visible from where you’re sitting, do not assume that it’s off!
Similarly, when mowing around fences and gates, be sure to watch what lies beyond them. An open gate could mean that a dog is waiting to run out in front of your lawnmower—and while they might not mean harm by it, they could still cause problems for both themselves and their owner.
6. It’s really important to keep your lawn mower’s blade sharp.
It’s really important to keep your lawn mower’s blade sharp. Blades that are dull can do a lot of damage to your yard and cause issues with the performance of your mower. Dull blades tear the grass instead of cutting it, which causes uneven growth and leaves clumps of brown and dead grass on the lawn. As a result, you’ll have to spend more time weeding when it’s finally time for spring cleanup!
If you’re using a push mower, this problem might be even worse because if there’s no power behind the blades, they’ll spin slower than those on automatic machines. A dull blade can also lead to stalling or vibration in an electric or gas-powered mower because it won’t have enough power from its engine or battery.
As you can see, lawn mowing is a lot more than just pushing the lawnmower around your yard. It’s important to remember that with the right knowledge and equipment, you can make sure that your lawn looks its best all year long.
If you’re looking for an affordable solution to your lawn care needs, Don’t hesitate to contact Green Edge Florida. We are a landscape expert Sarasota company. Our staff will help answer any lawn care questions.