What are the things protected under copyright Law?
Copyright falls under the branches of intellectual property rights defined by the World Intellectual Property Organization as follows: Intellectual property refers to creations of the mind: inventions; literary and artistic works; etc. used in commerce. Intellectual property is divided into two categories: Industrial property includes patents, trademarks, industrial designs and geographical indications. Intellectual property refers broadly to legal rights arising from intellectual activity in the industrial, scientific, literary and artistic fields. There are many parts under Intellectual property like copyright, trademark, patent, etc. Many Online legal certification courses are available for each part of intellectual property law as every person or organisation requires this law.
Copyright –
Copyright is an intellectual property right derived from a person’s talent and labour in the creation and transmission of an original concept. Copyright preserves works of cultural heritage such as literature, drama, music and sculpture. Copyright protection is granted immediately under the Copyright Act 1968, which gives the author of the work the exclusive right to create, sell and have credit for the work. As with many types of intellectual property, there is no official registry or database where you can check and see if your concept is original. Copyright is an exclusive legal right granted to the creator or a group of individuals to protect their work or creativity from reproduction, adaptation, translation, distribution and public performance by others without the prior consent of the creator/person responsible for the existence of the work.
Copyright Protection –
While copyright by itself does not protect information or ideas, it does protect the original expression of information and ideas. Copyright is used only for literary, dramatic, musical and artistic tasks. The rights that apply to each of these categories vary.
A copyright notice is a notice printed on a copyrighted work; usually includes the © symbol, the creation date of the work and the name of the creator. The copyright notice can act as a deterrent to infringers. Under Section 13 of Chapter III of the Indian Copyright Act, the following works are protected:
Literary work: “Literary works” are defined in Article 101 of the Copyright Law as “works, other than audiovisual works, expressed in words, numbers or other verbal or numerical symbols or indications, regardless of the nature of the material objects, such as books, magazines, manuscripts, etc.
Musical work: Musical works are especially worth viewing as Section 115 of the Copyright Act expressly subjects them to “licensing requirements” once they have been made available to the public. These compulsory licenses allow any musician to perform or record a cover of a song without obtaining permission from the original songwriter.
Dramatic Work: “Dramatic works” include plays, screenplays and scripts for television. This category illustrates how works can overlap in many different categories. The musical score of dramatic works such as films may be separately copyrighted. Sound recordings of books can be considered sound recordings.
Artistic Work: “Artistic work” includes ballet, dance or mime. Because copyright protection requires work to be permanently recorded and reproducible, these works are often repaired when videotaped, photographed, or annotated in abbreviated form for choreography.
Cinematograph films: “Audiovisual work” can include anything from movies to presentations, and video podcasts, in other words, anything intended to be shown (on a projector, TV or computer screen) that consists of sound and recorded images.
Sound recordings: Sound recordings are defined by the Copyright Act as “works resulting from the recording of a series of musical, spoken or other sounds, but excluding sounds accompanying a film or other audiovisual work”. Probably the best way to understand the category of sound recordings is to compare it with the category “musical works”.
Architectural work: Works of architecture are probably the least expected category of copyrighted works. The category of architectural work protects the design of a building in architectural projects, architectural plans, and even the buildings themselves. For this category, copyright can protect the overall form of the work, as well as the arrangement and composition of spaces and elements in the project.
Copyright Protection is not provided for-
- Works that are not secured in tangible form.
- Titles, names, short phrases, slogans, methods, factual information, symbols or designs.
- Trademark law may offer some protection to such works.
- However, in such cases, a patent or trade secret may protect an idea or concept, method, process, plan, principle, discovery or policy.
- Works that are already in the public domain and whose original author cannot be traced are not covered by copyright.
- Copyrighted works that have already expired.
Conclusion –
Although there are many copyright restrictions and issues, understanding the law and copyright usage would lead us to use copyrighted content in an extremely secure manner for personal study and research purposes. A sufficient level of understanding of copyright issues must be developed before purchasing resources. At this point, conditions between the parties involved in the purchase of the assets would play an important role in protecting of the copyright of the owners. As a facilitator, the librarian must inform his users about copyright issues on a daily basis. And this could become one of the important factors that can play an important role in reducing copyright infringement among library users. According to the Indian Copyright Act of 1957, it is very clear that neither the publisher nor the facilitator is responsible for any infringement of copyrighted material, but anyone involved in the infringing activity is held solely responsible for their misconduct. The concepts of copyright law are very crucial for a law student as nowadays it is required everywhere and these students are provided with the best online law certification courses. These Online legal courses help the students to grasp the knowledge more effectively.