7 Health Benefits of Feeding Your Dog a Raw Diet
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If you are like most dog owners, you want the very best for your furry friend. This starts with ensuring that your dog is enjoying the best possible diet for optimal health. Rather than choosing conventional dog food, savvy dog owners feed their pooches raw dog food. Here are seven health benefits of choosing raw dog food.
Ideal for Digestive Issues
It is no fun caring for a dog with digestive issues. Because raw dog food is more similar to what animals used to eat in the wild, they are most likely to be easier on these digestive systems. This is because dogs are able to better harness the nutrients in raw dog food when compared to food that is more processed. It is easier for your dog to actually absorb and use the nutrients if they are closer to their natural state, an area in which raw dog food shines.
Boosts Skin and Coat Health
Most dog owners report better skin and coat health as a result of switching to raw dog food for health. Conventional food tends to make the skin of a dog greasier and oilier. Without this grease and oil, your dog’s skin and coat will thrive. Just like in humans, the health of a dog’s gut impacts the health of their skin and hair. By nurturing your dog’s gut with the right foods, you are also improving the appearance and health of their coat and skin.
Stronger Bones and Joints
Because raw food is made with real crushed bones, it is natural that your dog will enjoy stronger bones and joints after adopting this type of diet. Real bone is a great source of calcium, collagen, marrow, and more. All of these nutrients work together to support bone and joint health. This is beneficial for puppies who are still growing as well as for older dogs who are more likely to experience degenerating joints and bones as they age. You can slow down the aging process by nourishing them with the best foods for bone health.
Healthier Immune System
It makes sense that you will also give your dog’s immune system a boost if you choose nutrient-rich raw food. Keeping your dog’s immune system firing on all cylinders is extremely beneficial for their overall health and wellness. This biological system is the first line of defense for fending off harmful infections and illnesses. A raw food diet contains all of the food groups that a dog needs to enjoy optimal immune function. This includes plenty of protein sources, fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and various superfoods.
Most Allergy-Friendly Type of Food
If your dog suffers from allergies, you will serve their needs the best if you feed them raw dog food. Regardless of if the root cause is environmental or food, many of the most common conventional dog food products cause allergies to flare up. Raw dog food is naturally anti-inflammatory. Without all of the added fillers of dry dog food, your pet will be less likely to suffer from an allergic reaction as a result of food.
Better for Urinary Health
If your dog has a propensity to suffer from urinary tract infections, it may be because their food does not contain enough moisture. Raw dog food is rich in this moisture, making it a good choice for overall urinary health and wellness. The supreme moisture content of raw food works to dilute the urine and guard against harmful struvites that can lead to stones. In addition, conventional dog food can also trigger dehydration, a common precursor to urinary complications.
Simply Tastes Better
In addition to all of the health benefits of raw dog food, this type of product simply tastes better. Can you blame your dog for preferring the simplicity of raw dog food over processed products? This makes raw dog food an ideal choice for those picky eaters. Once you read the ingredient list of raw dog food and compare it to traditional dog food, you will understand why most pets find this type of food more palatable.
You owe it to your dog to find the best foods for their needs. You will be sold on raw food once you see the change in your dog after adopting this diet.