An Overview of the Dental Implant Procedure
If you’re missing one or more teeth, you may consider a procedimiento de implante Indianapolis IN. It involves a surgical process that involves drilling into the jawbone and cutting away the gum. The surrounding teeth must be healthy and free of periodontitis or gum disease. Here are some questions you might have about the procedure. And don’t worry; there are many anesthesia options available. Here’s a brief overview of the entire process.
Bone graft
A bone graft procedure is a surgical implant designed to replace missing teeth or bone. This procedure is performed by making an incision in the gum tissue just above the bone-deficient area, creating a flap for the surgeon to work on. The surgeon then collects bone from another part of the body and places it between two pieces of bone that need to fuse. After the bone graft has been placed, the gum tissue is stitched back into place.
Sinus augmentation
The dental implant and sinus augmentation procedure usually go together. It is a minimally invasive surgical procedure. During the procedure, the patient can expect some swelling and pain. If there is a problem with the bone graft or implant, the patient may have to have the surgery repeated. However, the overall recovery time is typically a few months. The healing time can be shortened if the patient undergoes the procedure together.
Extraction of the tooth to allow placement of dental implant
The dentist will usually first extract the remaining tooth when you have a missing tooth. The extraction procedure can occur before the implant insertion or at the same time. Before beginning the procedure, the dentist will explain the anesthetic options and administer a local anesthetic, most likely lidocaine or novocaine. Although the extraction process shouldn’t be painful, you may feel tugging when the dentist removes your tooth. Following the extraction, you should avoid smoking, blowing your nose, or excessively spitting afterward.
Anesthesia options
There are several types of anesthesia available for the dental implant procedure. Local anesthesia numbs your gums and surrounding teeth for several hours. Patients who do not experience much anxiety during dental procedures should choose this option. Local anesthesia may not be enough if you are very nervous. In these cases, IV sedation may be an option. The cost of IV sedation may also play a role. The dentist at Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery of Utah can help you decide which type of anesthesia will work best for your situation.
Recovery time
Immediately following a Procedimiento de Implante Indianapolis IN, you can expect to experience minor swelling, bruising, and pain. The procedure is more invasive than a tooth extraction, so a minor throbbing sensation may accompany the procedure. However, the discomfort is short-lived and will likely subside within a day. During this time, you should not smoke or use mouthwash as these can disturb the clot that forms around the implants. Physical exertion will also contribute to bleeding and throbbing.