Explaining the HUD Compliance Training Program
The HUD has contributed a lot towards affordable housing and it is unquestionable that without the contributions of HUD, plenty of families would still be fighting to find a bed.
Many people know about HUD but some might not know about the training such as the HUD compliance training. If you are among those who don’t know anything about the same, feel free to ride along as this write-up will focus on explaining the training of HUD inside out along with other different programs that make up the HUD.
There are a number of different methods of training that are related to programs offered by the US Department of Housing and Urban Development, also known as HUD. The responsibility goes to the National Center for Housing Management (NCHM) for training the individuals that are working for organizations that operate and oversee rental housing, which one way or the other, is funded by HUD or other different federal agencies. This includes likes of the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) and the Department of Agriculture.
For those of you who still feel a bit surprised, yes, these two organizations have housing programs and we will discuss that in detail below.
The NCHM training via HUD usually falls under two different types categories. First, we have compliance training where the rules and regulations are taught are to be followed in the operating HUD housing and property.Secondly, there is management training, which is generally responsible for covering day-to-day functions that are required to make sure that all the properties are financially sound and maintained in a proper manner.
Such courses are usually suited for employees that work either at the property level jobs such as manager, maintenance superintendent, assistant manager, compliance specialist, or supervisory staff which includes regional property managers, finance directors, and directors of compliance. There are several common courses that are taken up by employees of other agencies and the government that oversee all the properties.
The most attended course in the compliance area of NCHM is the certified occupancy specialist (COS). COS is responsible for teaching about the complicated rules that are involved in determining whether or not an applicant household is eligible for applying for housing under the HUD multifamily rental housing programs and if they are eligible, the amount of rent they will have to pay.
This might seem pretty simple but the catch is that the amount of rent that is to be paid every month is determined by the income of the household as there are a number of calculations that are to be made along with instructions that should be followed correctly. COS and its companion course,, which is, Public Housing generally are the primary courses that are taken by people who generally are employed in HUD housing.
The HUD training offered by NCHM’s CVS, aka Certified Voucher Specialist, resembles COS apart from the fact that it focuses on the HUD housing choice voucher program, which is a rental program that is generally administered by local public housing agencies. Any individual who is involved in the administration of the HUD voucher program will likely want to start with CVS training.
The majority of the people who opt for the COS, COS-P, and CVS programs also opt for a course that goes by the name of Enterprise Income Verification Specialist (EIVS). For those of you who don’t know, EIV comes as a HUD-mandated program that can come in handy to verify the income of an applicant. Similar to other programs, the rules are pretty detailed, and failing to abide by the rules can cost the owner of the property dearly.
Earlier, it has been mentioned that the IRS and the Department of Agriculture also offer rental housing programs. The program offered by IRS goes by the name low-income housing tax credit (LIHTC) program while the Department of Agriculture is known for overseeing a different number of programs that come under the general description of Rural Housing programs.
It is interesting to see that most of the programs follow HUD rules and regulations in terms of determining the eligibility of the applicant and calculating the monthly income of the applicant. Training with NCHM covers the following programs which include Tax Credit Specialist (TCS), Blended Occupancy Specialist (BOS), and Rural Housing Specialist (RHS).
Anyone that is involved in determining the eligibility for HUD housing or housing offered via the IRS and the department of agriculture programs will have to take one of the courses offered by NCHM in advance for their careers. In fact, most employers need a certification before or soon after hiring an employee.
In the area of property management, the three core programs of NCHM training include Certified Manager of Housing (CMH), Certified Manager of Maintenance (CMM), and Certified Finance Specialist (CFS). All three programs make up the building blocks of the skills that are required for the management of HUD and other different types of rental housing.
Apart from this, you will have to find managers, compliance specialists, assistant managers, leasing agents, and lead maintenance staff since these are the primary participants in NCHM’s property management courses.
Another training type that can be applied to both federally assisted housing and private housing is fair housing law training. Every type of housing in America is virtually covered by fair housing law, which includes both rental and for-sale housing along with publicly and privately funded housing.
HUD isn’t just limited to training on rental housing management. It also operates for a number of different homeownership programs that are both directly and via the Federal Housing Administration (FHA) and all the other programs that include economic and community development, energy management, homelessness, and fair lending among others. Plenty of different profit and non-profit organizations along with HUD itself offer training in these areas, and you can find HUD training webinars on their websites with ease.