How to Take Care of Your Child's Heart During the Pandemic
Maternal obesity or gestational diabetes can lead to cardiovascular problems in the baby, says an article by the UNICEF. Although a rare occurrence, cardiac arrest is possible in children. Surprisingly, there has been a dip in heart problems during the coronavirus-led lockdowns. Given the ongoing pandemic, stay at home orders protect little ones from pollution, excessive junk food and physical exertion.
However, if signs like chest pain or shortness of breath appear, the child might be developing complications. Here are a few ways to ensure such issues don’t occur at all.
Limit Screen Time
Sitting in front of the TV or laptop for hours makes a child inactive. They are likely to indulge in excessive snacking too, which might lead to obesity. On the flip side, it can cause hyperactivity and difficult behaviour. Children below 2 should not get any screen time, while the older ones can be limited to 2 hours per day.
Encourage Physical Activities
Pediatric cardiologists at the best child heart hospitals suggest at least 30-40 minutes of moderate to intense exercises daily for children. Get your children interested in skipping, hula hoops or simply running around on the terrace. Take them for a walk with proper precautions at least once a day. Children who stay active are at lower risk of developing heart conditions.
Improve Their Diet
Serve plenty of fresh fruits, vegetables, lean meats and whole grains at mealtimes. Fat free dairy products like cheese, yogurt and skimmed milk can help control weight gain. You can also offer pasta, rice and cereals that are healthy and filling. Additionally, limit the consumption of processed foods.
Discourage Smoking
Teenagers might get into the habit of smoking regularly. Instead of scolding them, try to convince them about the long term dangers of this habit. Do not allow anyone to smoke around children inside the house, since passive smoking can be equally risky. If you too have a habit, work with your doctor and try to cut it down.
Dental Hygiene
Although a little uncommon, gum diseases has been linked to heart complications. In fact, children with fatty plaque have two to three times greater risk of having a stroke. Therefore, follow good dental hygiene practices and Teach children to brush and floss their teeth twice a day.
Regular Check Ups
Visit the best child heart hospital to check the levels of cholesterol and blood pressure. Active children with the right BMI can also suffer from certain underlying conditions. The only way to detect it is to get them tested. This can rule out chances of heart complications at present and in the future.
Maintain a Positive Environment
Being cooped up at home for months is not easy. Tempers might flare, leading to verbal abuse. But try to avoid such situations at all costs. Keep the overall mood happy and playful. Set up play dates, doll houses or art and craft sessions. This will help children stay cheerful and lower the chances of stress and anxiety.
Take small and gradual steps to promote heart health in children. A realistic approach can make a significant difference during the difficult pandemic period.