Future Prediction by Birth Date Through Astrological Means
In astrology, the date of birth of a person is used to find out what the future has in store for them. Depending on a person’s birth date, he/she belongs to a particular zodiac sign. There are 12 zodiac signs, and each sign is associated with certain personality traits. The zodiac signs form a constellation, with the sun, moon, and the planets moving through them. Future predictions can be made using many methods. They include Numerology, Palmistry, Tarot card reading, face reading, etc. apart from Astrology. In both astrology and numerology, the birth date of a person is used to predict the events that may happen in their lives. Chinese and Indian or Vedic astrology, in particular,use birth date to make future predictions.
The role of the Birth chart
An astrologer usually draws up a chart after getting details like a person’s date of birth, time and place of birth, etc. This chart is called the birth chart/natal chart/ horoscope/ Kundli. The chart is actually a representation of the sky at the exact moment of the person’s birth. It shows how the planets were positioned in the sky at that moment. The planetary positions and movements decide the person’s destiny. If they are well-placed, the person will have a happy and successful life. If they are not favorably placed, the person will face struggles and difficulties in life. Though there are people who laugh at the suggestion that planets can influence a person’s life, astrology is no less a science than astronomy and offers very precise and accurate results on most occasions.
Planets color our personalities
A person’s birth date reveals their zodiac sign from which certain essential features of their personality can be understood. For instance, a person born on June 9 is born under the zodiac sign, Gemini. People born under this sign are generally talkative and have a good sense of humor. Similarly, every zodiac sign gives a clue about the person who is born under it. Many newspapers,magazines, and online sites feature predictions based on these zodiac signs.They could be daily, weekly, monthly, fortnightly, or yearly predictions,depending on the publication or medium. Each planet is associated with a house and sign. For example, Mercury represents the zodiac signs, Gemini/Virgo, and Venus represents Taurus/Libra.
How Planetary Energies Influence our Lives
A birth chart consists of 12 segments or houses. To make future predictions using the birth date, an astrologer will examine the birth chart and study the planetary positions during a particular time period. When these planets occupy a house, they will trigger certain events. Each planet also influences a particular aspect of our lives. Thus, Venus rules love, marriage, and partnerships, while Saturn rules career. Each planet also has a particular energy. Some planets bring good vibes, like Jupiter and Venus, while others,like Saturn and Mars, have a destructive energy. But how the planets affect us actually depends on where they are placed. As they travel through the different signs, their energies play out in different ways, according to their location at a particular time period. The way the planets interact with other aspects of your birth chart also plays a role.
By studying all these things, the astrologer will be able to make future predictions using the birth date astrology. Astrology is not a simple science by any means, and it requires a person to devote a few years of study to become an expert. Considering all things, one can assert that a good astrologer can definitely make a difference to a person by making accurate life predictions that will help them to plan their life better by taking advantage of opportunities and preparing for challenges ahead of time.