Why Fish and Shellfish Are Beneficial
Seafood has been on the menu of many restaurants for years, and now consumers are beginning to include more fish and seafood as a regular selection for their menus at home.
Including seafood as part of an overall balanced diet can provide many health benefits. Fish and shellfish are fairly inexpensive, quick, and easy to prepare as well providing lots of nutrition.
Besides being an excellent source of lean protein, fish and shellfish are low in saturated fat. In addition, they provide essential omega-3 fatty acids, which are important to the diet for several reasons.
Omega-3 fatty acids, which are polyunsaturated fatty acids, are believed to help lower rates of heart disease, reduce hypertension, relieve some arthritis symptoms, and prevent cancer.
According to the American Heart Association, consumers should eat two servings of fish per week to prevent coronary heart disease.
Will the choice of seafood you eat make a difference? It’s difficult to say there is a “best” fish or shellfish. Fish that are “oily” in nature like salmon, tuna, mackerel, herring, and sardines are higher in the omega-3 fats. Fish and shellfish that are lower in fat like cod and crabmeat are perfect alternatives for other protein foods that are higher in saturated fats like red meat and pork. But all seafood—no matter your choice—will provide a diet with healthful benefits.
**See the chart for Omega 3 content of seafood