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The website or on our facebook page um or instagram so panhandle hempfarms on there so you can connect with us on social media um yeah and as far as our feminization you wanna yeah we took we call them our pollinators you know and we converted them into males they’re female plants that we stressed into males and pollinated with that pollen.
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The result is feminized seeds so you know no male plants so it’s it’s feminized seeds for cbd flower. We it was important for us we got a phylos test done um to prove that feminization and you know i we see a lot of growers and businesses you know they claim that their seats are feminized but there’s really no proof to back that up so um we it was very important hemp cream for us to have that test so we feel like that’s an advantage that we have okay so tell me what that test does what does what does that mean what’s that yeah it it just it tests the seed uh to make sure it is it has the feminization characteristics and they sample so many of them so we sent them a pound and they took 100 seeds grew them and then checked if they’re male or female.
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And they were all female so getting those results yeah there’s almost uh 40 000 seeds in a pound and so they choose and all of ours came back feminized uh we wouldn’t claim we’re 100 feminized but you know we do have a really good high feminization rate so yeah yeah okay so what what seeing where the market’s been where it’s at now what does your future look like what are you looking at for the next year and what are you looking to do with all of your you know facilities we’re really trying to uh reach out to growers in our area and across the country and internationally you know we’re working on our first international sale right now uh it’s a little more involved you know making sure you’re compliant with uh the import and export permits you know but uh yeah learning the sales side of it is the next step yep and uh we recently got our germination test redone just to see where we’re at and it’s still you know over 90 yeah you know so we’re pretty happy about it so thanks for being stored properly um but yeah we would um right now so we have a living soil so we’re conditioning.
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Our soil we would love to contract grow um so we’re just kind of explaining our options right now so um when you say contract bro talk to me about the ideal scenario there you know what what does that look like somebody needed a particular strain and they needed feminized seeds of that strain we could grow it you know all year round you know in a year you know tens of millions of seeds so it’s it’s a it’s a nice facility hemp cream for pain relief it takes a lot of maintenance i’ve been doing maintenance all week like it’s worth it you know it’s a nice facility it’s worth taking care of so we’re proud of what we’ve built so we you know since we can grow all year round there’s no doubt you know downtime you know if we don’t want any downtime we don’t have to have any so it’s it’s constant work um but like