Ayurvedic Treatment For Kidney Failure
It is a very well-known fact that the human body comprises various organ systems and each has a unique function. The excretory system consists of the kidney, ureters, urinary bladder, and urethra. Among these, kidneys play a major role in removing waste and excess fluid from the body. They are extremely important in the regulation of the body’s salt, potassium, and acid content.
What are kidneys and what is their function?
The kidneys are bean-shaped organs situated on either side of the spine, behind the stomach, underneath the ribs. Each kidney is about the size of a fist and contains millions of functioning units called nephrons. As stated earlier, the major function of the kidneys is to filter waste from the body. However, the kidneys also:
- Balance the body’s fluids
- Release hormones that regulate blood pressure
- Aid in the production of an active form of vitamin D to promote strong and healthy bones
- Help in controlling the production of RBCs (red blood cells)
It is therefore very important to maintain the kidneys healthy. Any abnormality in the functioning of the kidney can lead to chronic kidney disease. Chronic kidney disease can also be defined as a kind of abnormality or marker of impaired kidney function due to the presence of a certain protein and high levels of creatinine. Creatinine is a chemical compound, a waste product, made by the muscles and is a residue from the energy-producing process of the muscles. If the kidneys are healthy and normally functioning, they filter the creatinine out of the blood, thus retaining normal levels. On the contrary, if the creatinine levels are high, it is an indicator that your kidneys are not functioning properly and if ignored could cause severe damage to the kidneys resulting in kidney failure. However, if diagnosed at early stages, these conditions can be treated and Ayurvedic Kidney Failure Treatment has shown impressive long-lasting results. Panchakarma treatment in Bangalore has gained the trust of people in opting for Ayurvedic treatment for chronic kidney disease.
What are the types of kidney diseases?
There are different types of kidney diseases such as:
- Glomerulonephritis – Inflammation of the glomeruli which are tiny filtering units of the kidneys.
- Polycystic kidney disease – This is characterized by the formation of multiple cysts over the kidneys that enlarge over a period of time and could result in serious damage to either one or both kidneys and may even lead to kidney failure.
- Kidney stones – One of the most common forms of kidney disease that cause severe pain in the back and side.
- Urinary tract infections – These infections usually affect the bladder, but sometimes these also spread to the kidneys.
- Congenital diseases – These usually are birth defects and occur due to abnormal urinary tract during the development of the baby in the mother’s womb.
While some conditions could be due to wrong lifestyle, unhealthy food, use of illicit drugs, use of certain medicines for an extended period of time, etc., some are inherited and run in families, thus passing on through generations. Fortunately, when diagnosed in the early stages, Ayurvedic treatment can control these symptoms thereby promoting proper functioning of the kidneys and preventing further damage.
If you are looking for result-oriented ayurvedic treatment for kidney failure or ayurvedic medicine for kidney problems, Tatkshana Ayurveda Hospital has expert doctors who have been successful in treating kidney-related conditions.
For further information:
Visit: https://tatkshanaayurveda.com/
Email: info@tatkshanaayurveda.com
Contact: + 91 77601 04333