5 Ways Employee Wellness Programs Can Boost Individual Productivity
Given the ever-increasing cost of healthcare in the United States, businesses are finding that they need to get creative in order to keep costs down while still providing high-quality care to their employees. One way they’re doing this is through the implementation of employee wellness programs. These programs have been shown to improve both employee satisfaction and productivity at work, by improving employee health and increasing the chances that employees will be able to take advantage of corporate wellness benefits like gym memberships or on-site health clinics.
Here are five ways these programs can boost individual productivity and help your company as a whole thrive.
1) A healthier workforce leads to a more productive one
by limiting sick days, by enhancing physical health, and by improving morale and personal happiness. There are a number of ways to keep your workforce well in 2015—and boost individual productivity as a result. Workforce management software is one way to help you stay in control of work life. Employee monitoring software is another approach that businesses can utilize to help individuals increase wellness habits while at work.
2) Healthy employees are motivated and driven
Helping employees to lead healthier lives will improve their productivity. In addition, companies often see a return on investment with employee wellness programs. Managers are able to use technology to help track and monitor health behaviors, while they also use healthy employee incentives and motivation to help employees get active and stay fit. Employee monitoring software also helps manage overall workforce management in order to keep workers as healthy as possible.
3) Having a focus on employee health leads to a more positive environment
Instead of focusing on how many sick days employees are taking, your business can celebrate how much less time they’re actually spending in bed. Employee monitoring software and workforce management software is a great way to improve employee wellness by creating a competition amongst peers. By providing access to these tools, you’ll also be able to keep an eye on which departments are staying active and alert. Ultimately, employee health doesn’t just benefit employees; it has positive impacts for your business as well.
4) An active workforce is also an innovative one
According to HR technology company, Workforce Software, businesses that offer on-site fitness centers or incentivize their employees with wellness programs are more likely to retain their workforce and boost employee productivity. To create a healthier workforce without breaking your budget, consider investing in workforce management software like Workstatus. This HR solution not only helps employees keep track of time and complete tasks on time but also integrates with popular health-focused apps to allow workers to schedule workouts right from their desktops.
5) Employers can save money by investing in wellness programs
Although fitness is expensive, employers can save money by investing in wellness programs. According to a Gallup-Healthways study, employees who are more fit have a lower risk of being absent from work and require fewer health care services than those who are less fit. Additionally, keeping employees healthy decreases their chances of getting injured on the job or in an accident. Therefore, employers should make efforts to keep their workers happy and healthy.
Many people think employee wellness programs are just to keep their workers healthy, but did you know they can also improve individual productivity? As a business owner, if you want to maximize your profits and keep your employees at work instead of out sick all day, consider a few of these tips.
Also Read: 5 Ways Employee Wellness Programs Can Boost Individual Productivity