Different Method To Reduce The Anxiety
Summary: The following guest blog provides brief information about anxiety and how it can cure by making efforts. The writing piece describes the different ideas and ways that help people recover from anxiety. These ideas and methods can help to change lives in a better way.
What is Anxiety?
Anxiety is the body’s natural flight or fight response, designed to protect you in the presence of anything that threatens your well-being. The threat may be short-lived, intense, and sudden, leaving your heart pounding. Or it may be very prolonged, such as during a personal financial crisis, stressful school project, or marital discord. Nevertheless, anxiety and worry often help motivate you to take appropriate action.
However, anxiety that is too intense or has gone on for too long can paralyze your ability to act and lead to depression, insomnia, hypertension, and poor quality of life. Anxiety disorders are the most common mental disorder encountered in medical practice. It is estimated that at least 25% of the population will suffer at least one episode.
Treatment Options for Anxiety
Prescription medication for anxiety treatment has been proven to be somewhat effective in treating anxiety attacks. There is at least one medication for most people that will help alleviate some of the symptoms. However, one problem with the medication is that it is not usually a permanent or complete cure. Another problem is that all medications have potential side effects, some minor and some severe. Also, medication for anxiety is usually a lifetime commitment.
For immediate relief from anxiety symptoms, medications are often warranted. There is a wide variety of medications used for the treatment of anxiety. Some medications work to relieve specific symptoms like depression, trembling, and heart palpitations, while others try to prevent any impending attacks.
For specific types of anxiety disorders like social anxiety, social phobia, and other phobia, medications may need from time to time. Other disorders require the use of medications that are designed for long-term use.
The main drawback of medications is that these often cause adverse side effects that often risk patients’ general well-being and health. Typical side effects for medications that target to relax the central nervous system include reduced efficiency of the brain. In addition, patients suffer other side effects, including sleep disturbance, tremors, sexual dysfunction, and elevated blood pressure.
Exercise is well-known natural stress and anxiety treatment. However, research shows that anxiety can be significantly reduced with only 20-30 minutes of exercise 4-5 times per week. Other techniques that may help minimize anxiety include controlled breathing, visualization, and progressive muscle relaxation.
Anxiety treatment center New York is perfect for those who don’t want to spend much money treating their anxiety yet gradually get positive results. This time, minimize or delete those sugar and carbohydrate-loaded chows from your food list as they trigger anxiety. Also, quit smoking and let go of alcoholic or caffeine-enriched drinks. Instead, munch on tons of veggies and fruits as they refresh your body and mind. Finally, to improve the condition of your heartbeat and relax your mind, try doing exercises and teach yourself some meditating techniques.
Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy
CBT is an anxiety treatment approach that attempts to identify the thoughts a person thinks that precede an action or behavior and then change those thoughts purposefully and, in turn, change the behavior.
Cognitive-behavioral therapy can be successful in some forms of mental illness, but since it does not explicitly target one’s emotions, it often fails with the treatment of anxiety. Success rates are usually well below 50%.
The Linden Method
The Linden Method is a structured anxiety treatment and elimination program that uses techniques formulated over a decade of practice with over 100,000 clients. A fundamental assertion by its founder is that anxiety disorder is a habit and not a mental illness. The Linden Method reverses the formation of the anxious ‘habit.’ This treatment method uses scientifically proven devices to ‘reset’ your anxiety level back down to ‘normal’ at its source. It is accomplished by teaching a person how to undermine and eliminate anxiety at its core by complying with a set of straightforward rules.
It has produced permanent results for the 96% of anxiety sufferers who have applied the Linden Method. Furthermore, the treatment promises that it will not come back once the anxiety disorder is reversed and eliminated. Since the Linden Method does not involve any medication, invasive treatment, or expensive and lengthy psychoanalysis, it is considered by many therapists to be the best initial treatment for the majority of anxiety sufferers.
To quickly treat and permanently cure your anxiety, consider the Linden Method. It worked for me. It has worked for over 130,000 sufferers. It will work for you. No drugs, no therapists, just results.
Exposure therapy
Exposure therapy, another very effective therapy against anxiety, uses simulation to help encourage the development of more appropriate responses. First, it exposes the patient to the same object of fear, either in reality or imagination. Then, with the assistance of a clinician, patients are helped with identifying their source of fear and not their responses are appropriate. In this psychological therapy, patients are helped with how to handle, respond and cope with their objects of fear. Eventually, the patient will come to terms with his fears and will learn to respond more appropriately.
Psychological Techniques For Anxiety
Psychological therapies that are most effective for anxiety try to modify the behaviors and thinking patterns of the patient. Unlike other psychological methods, these do not address the underlying psychological conflicts or issues that may be relevant to the occurrence of anxiety symptoms. These are often administered for at least 5 to 20 weeks of continuous treatments.
Make yourself believe that it’s just a little hassle you can surely get over in no time. Then, diminish those worries and fears you’ve been struggling with for so long by getting hold of an anxiety cure that will be very helpful to your condition.