As a business visionary, you could have heard that Facebook is an unprecedented strategy for propelling your business. In any case, most business visionaries know next to nothing about how to go about it. How to tag a business on facebook
For those business people, I have collected 15 strategies for propelling their privately owned business on their Facebook fan page, and getting more likes for your page.
How you need to get people to “like” your Facebook page, is to show your business contacts, friends and family about your business’ page.
1: Put your email imprint to work for you
Accepting that you put your Facebook URL in your email signature, it looks like a notification. I’m sure you get and send a lot of messages everyday. Set that to work for you.
2: Post it to your blog
In your blog section, you can create different persuading benefits for your contacts to like your business fan page.
3: You can Tag other fan pages in your updates
This will make their fans see you, and you can get some traffic starting there. You can cross reference on your page too.
4: Tweet a requesting to like your fan page to Twitter
Again, use different persuading benefits why your twitter aficionados should like your page. You can introduce the association on your blog section to Twitter as well.
5: Advertise on Facebook
Advancing on Facebook is straightforward and more affordable than you normally suspect. To ensure that you advancement doesn’t get such countless phony snaps you can put grumblings in your commercial – you won’t get many snaps anyway the people what snap’s personality is more qualified.